getEdited - SELECT
by elemausi ( edited 19 Apr 2017 ) 18 Apr 2017


Hope this is the right place. For all users of cutting machines there are some tests with cutting fabric for applique.
Tested three variants:
Left site is fabric with embroidery stabilicer ironed on.
Center is fabric with Vliesofix this is an material for appliquet with both sites sticky.
Right site I used only spraystarch.
All cut fine, left and right site are my favorits because on the back of the fabric will be nothing while doing applique.
Now to test how big the offset had to be.
Sorry for the bad english, hope you can understand.
There is the result with the leaf table center. I used the svg file, which came with the embroidery file, seperated the red lines for holding the place of Appliquet parts and cut with iron on embroidery stabilizer.Unfortunately I forget the offset. Only the last color (yellow) shows this mistake because there is a very small satinstitch arround.
On balance the result was:
1.You need half of the time for embroidey because you have not to take the hoop from the machin and cut the stick out fabric away.
2. You can cut your fabric with as little as possible waste on your cutting mat.
3. you should do an offfset, I think about 1 mm


by mops Moderator 19 Apr 2017

Thank you for the answer to my question. I am glad the 'normal' options work out so well, the Silhouette stuff is much more expensive than the vliesofix and vlieseline I have, let alone the starch.
The vliesofix (or Bondaweb) would make sure the applique stays in place but makes it much stiffer. Would a 2mm offset be just about right?

I really should use my Silhouette for fabric as well, only thing I cut on it other than paper is the iron-on Flexfolie and adhesive vinyl. My son saw my Silhouette two days ago and said he had bought one for cake decorating purposes - cut gumpaste and stencils for his partner.

by crafter2243 Moderator 18 Apr 2017

Ich denke alle drei sind gut geworden. Es kommt wohl drauf an fuer was man es benutzt. Vielen Dank fuer das ausprobieren
I think all 3 are fine. It probably will depend on what they are being used on. Thank you for trying it out.

by pennyhal2 18 Apr 2017

Your English is fantastic! They all look like they have nice sharp edges. The one with iron-on stabilizer looks to lay more flat to me. Which one I'd choose would depend on what I am going to use it for. In a quilt, I'd use the starch one because it would wash out. If doing a placemat, I'd use the one with iron-on stabilizer because it'd better survive the heavy use of a placemat. I don't know what "Vliesofix" is. Is it something we call "vilene?"

elemausi by elemausi 18 Apr 2017

I think it is like Bondaweb

pennyhal2 by pennyhal2 19 Apr 2017
