The bag looks great. Please tell us how you did the photo on your fabric. If I understood correctly, you are the one on the far right?
A beautiful family photo and mom so lucky to have 4 daughters.
thanks. yes you got it right that's me. some time back Walmart was having sale on these sew on transfers 7 sheets in a pack for 50 c. I bought them all that 's what I printed the pic on
That is a very special gift for your sister. Love the colors and design you used
Lovely bag and lovely sentiment. She's going to be so excited.
Beautiful the photo on fabric...did you use a pre-treated fabric made to print a photo on or did you do something to your own fabric in order to print the photo on your fabric?
A perfect expression of your family love. I want to save and cherish this quote. Oh,, almost forgot - great sewing job, great design and color, arrangement and so original.