I have a HV Ruby and an older Iris. While the Ruby can use the hoops of my old Designer1 (with one exception, the 150x360),v the emboidery units are not interchangeable - result of a difference in width of the free space.
The hoops of the Iris are quite different from the Designer series and won't fit. The embroidery unit is quite different in all dimensions.
Don't know if the Orchidea hoops will fit and am quite sure the embroidery unit is type specific.
Contacting a knowledgeable dealer seems indeed the best option.
Cant help but a great story. I too would ask a dealer
I safely interchange emb units on my Brother 2002ULT, 2003ULT, AND MY babylock Ellageo ( I think it might be 2000 or 2001--not sure- I bought it Mach only, used). If it attaches and hoops fit, I'd say you got a great gift. Actually, I am only using one unit..2 in reserve for replacement if needed.
I would call the local dealer and ask. That is much the same way that I got started with Viking machines. My brither-in-law was at a garage sale and saw a bow with a picture of a sewing machine on it . He didn't know what it was but thought I would like it whatever it was!!It was the end of the day and the man told him to just take it so he wouldn't have to put it back. It turned out to be an embroidery unit that had never even been opened. Of course, I didn't have the machine that it went with but the local dealer offered me the full retail value of it on the Designer 1 that had just come out and I have been using Vikings ever since. Good luck.