I used to get asked all the time to do repairs, and most of the time I said yes but I did not want to. People don't want to pay enough to make it worth the time it takes, and they want it to look better than new. My husband finally put his foot down and said it stressed me out more than it was worth and I started telling people no. How freeing! I still do some, but only for people in my church and then I ask that instead of paying me, they put money in our church building fund.
just buy one a few sizes bigger and fix button hole if needed hugs
Can you buy the replacement stud in the same size and colour?
It might be possible to use new backs and still have the front using the old. But you do need the tool ( like a punch) to put it in. Not a cheap exercise.
The non sewers are the worse they tell you just how easy it is to do.
Thank you. That is what I am looking at doing now. I have found a similar jeans button I can buy and I already have the tool. Will just have to let them know it is either that or turn the shorts into rags! I am guessing I know what they will choose then
Usually when a two piece button with the rivet side have been used...the rivet side cannot be used again....hard to tell from the pictures, but they are kind of like snaps...clamp on snaps...once they have been used they usually cannot be reused...
That's right normally I normally just throw them, but this button is a bit odd and the rivet portion shows at the front. I wonder if I could use a punch from DH shed. I might try that first before ordering a similar button.
You are so brave to take on such a task. I don't mend for others, especially since my heart is in doing embroidery. As my husband tells folk when they want me to mend "It's like asking Picasso to paint the barn"! Avis
Could use a smaller button or bead in the center that wouldn't slip thru center and sew that on or use a rivet like you would use in leather working.
If the repair was so 'easy' why didn't they repair it them selves. Reminds me of the time I was asked to mend a hole in a tea towel... I would put a new button on. Have fun with the bags of ?
Oh yes there are a few of those in the bags too, not tea towels but clothes with holes in needing repair.
I say when the designer button is torn up, it's time to move on! I hope you charge this person enough for your efforts.