by haleymax 12 Jul 2017

Thank you, Cuties for your prayers for my brother, Sidney. We finally got to see the chemo physician yesterday and he had his first treatment today.

We also, got to see the radiation physician yesterday and are going tomorrow to be scanned and marked for radiation treatment.
The bad news is that this has been in his lung from 2014 and he wasn't treated for this until now when it is 3 cm and nodes are now involved. The person who read the CT scans in 2014 reported it on his report and it was .6 cm and was supposed to be followed up in 3 to 6 months. He didn't know about it then and doesn't know why he wasn't told about it.
Now just to get him well. The Dr. said he has a 50-50 chance of beating this disease.
Please keep him and our family in your prayers. Without God, I would be a stressed out wreck now.


by lbrow 14 Jul 2017

Please know your brother and you are in my prayers. I know first hand what prayer can do. God continue s to answer prayers every day./Lillian

by ksgram1 14 Jul 2017

Hold on to your faith, dear one. "With God all things are possible". We were not told about my husband's prostate cancer. We learned of it three years later when we moved, and our new doctor did routine cancer screening. His PSA was 17.5. Normal is .04 With God's help, he beat it.
Your brother can too. Love and hugs to you both.

1 comment
ksgram1 by ksgram1 edited 14 Jul 2017

Sorry for the typo. Normal is 4 Still praying for your brother and you.

by liliana1 14 Jul 2017

Praying for your brother you and all your family.

by 02kar Moderator 14 Jul 2017

You and your brother and the medical staff are now in the prayers of many Cuties. You cling to God with all your might. And know he has you and Sidney clasped in his arms. Keep us updated please.

by cfidl 13 Jul 2017

Wow! that is upsetting to realize that this could have been nipped in the bud so to speak and some unknown person with out the necessary experience has made such a seemingly simple oversight that can cause another to potentially lose his life. And no one to yell at. Still faith and love can do a lot in this world. Blessings to you both.

by jrob Moderator 13 Jul 2017

Maxine, I'm so shocked that he wasn't told about the diagnosis. That's one terrible mistake. My prayers are with you and Sidney as you navigate this scary disease. God be with you.

by pennifold 13 Jul 2017

Prayers for you and your whole family Haley. I can't understand how something like this could have been missed for 3 years! May our great heavenly Father God cover you with his healing wings and be with you all. Love Chris

by crafter2243 Moderator 12 Jul 2017

Oh my. I would have a fit if I found out that I was not told about a cancer for 2 years. Letting it grow untreated for that long is unconscionable.
I will be praying for everybody.

nansowl by nansowl 12 Jul 2017

My hubby has also been diagnosed with lung cancer (stage 4 - so no radiation), but as our neighbor said, the Drs. can say all they want, but we KNOW Who the GREAT Physician is. Will keep your brother in prayer also

cfidl by cfidl 13 Jul 2017

Prayers for the brothers of my Cute friends!

ksgram1 by ksgram1 14 Jul 2017

"With God all things are possible"!!!

haleymax by haleymax 14 Jul 2017

Nansowl, check into stem cell (T-cell) treatment. It is new and has had some good success on other cancers. My cousin had this treatment for multiple myloma(sp) and is doing good and gaining strength every day. My prayers are with you and your families. We lost our mother in 1984 from lung cancer, she was diagnosed in April 1984 and died September 1984. Our father in 1997 and sister in 2014 both to cancer. God is good even thou we do not understand.