by mi30kaja 08 Aug 2017

Hi all, I am still finding my way around this new windows 10 and trying to find Pulse Amassador. I know they have changed but can you tell me what you use for your windows 10? Lyn


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by lidiad edited 08 Aug 2017

I don't have Windows 10 but I know the software I use, Embird, works in Windows 10.
Hugs, Lidia

1 comment
mi30kaja by mi30kaja 08 Aug 2017

Thanks Lidia. Someone else has suggested Embird so I will have to look into it.

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by awesome1 edited 08 Aug 2017

I'm using Pulse, but it is the old version..I transferred it from XP--I also use wings' My Editor, PED Basic and PEDesign 10 (which I haven't attempted yet). Oh, and Embrilliance Thumbnailer. Admittedly, I don't log into Win10 often, I'm still using WinXP in my sew rm for working with designs with PE v5, and Win7 for internet. There is a lot about Win10 that I HATE! mainly that my PE5 is not compatible, and there is no mail program...well there is but it has no address book. If anyone can help me with that, I would consider switching over! I have been totally spoiled by XP.

1 comment
mi30kaja by mi30kaja 08 Aug 2017

I tried to transfer Pulse from my XP but didn't succeed. Maybe I should try again.

by pennifold 08 Aug 2017

Hi Lyn, I'm using Pulse Ambassador. We now have a new computer and windows 10 was part of the software installed. I like it, except for a few little things. I'll get there though, ❤️ Chris

1 comment
mi30kaja by mi30kaja 08 Aug 2017

Chris You are Lucky. I had so many problems with this new Computer that it went back to Acer and have a feeling a few things were left off the second time. I have downloaded Pulse but sometimes it works and other times it works???

by Sewmum1 08 Aug 2017

I hope you can find it Lyn. The learning curve is one of the reasons I still don't have 10

It took me so long to get used to windows 8 from 7 that I didn't upgrade. Also many of the programs I use are still not compatible without spending more $$

1 comment
mi30kaja by mi30kaja 08 Aug 2017

There have been a few problems with my New Computer but I am sure when I sort it I will love it. My XP was just so easy.