These are lovely and I'm sure they will please Charmaine and Rachel! Bravo on showing your machine "who's boss"! LOL!
These trinket boxes& journal bands look lovely& seems the colors work nicely too. With finding a new fabric& making some adjustments on your machine you overcame so congrats.Wondered what type needle you'd used on the decorator fabric? Thanks for sharing your project with the info& God bless you.:~D
They look great and I bet they feel nice too.
I like the material you used. There's an interior decorator near us who sells remnants and I bought beige alcantara (like suede) for a couple of euros and used that for bookcovers. They are almost indestructible and feel very luxurious.
Very nice. They turned out great despite the trouble they gave you.
Great use of those fabrics. A lot of sofa type fabrics are hard to stitch on, but you really mastered it!
These are great and what a great find in the fabric. May I ask where you live, as you mention Euro's? Your head teacher and assistant will love them. Well done, love Chris
Thanks Chris :) I hail from Malta, a very small island in the Mediterranean sea in Europe... my country is part of the European Union reason why we have Euros as our currency