That was so kind of you to repair Molly and I know your daughter would have appreciated it very much..
Our grand-daughter Ophelie's class has a family of stuffed toy rats and mice called Ratty, Rattalina and the baby ones start with R as well. Each child is allowed to take it home and bring it back after a week - they too by the end of the year are looking a bit 'ratty'. Love Chris
One very loved Molly. How kind of you to repair the tear. I hope Molly survives many more years of love.
What a creative teacher your daughter has to start a project like this to teach nurturing. Molly looks well on the mend.
how sweet.
your daughter will probably recall this for years to come
That's a sweet story. My son brought home the class guinea pig.......for the summer.
What a wonderful alternative to the class pet! It seems that more kids have allergies now making it difficult to have a live pet. And what a great learning experience. Love the bandage!
I love that story. Hopefully Molly will be able to make it another year.
Ah what a lovely story and Molly now has a bandage to show that she is recovering. What a delightful idea of school to have Molly for the children. I can see that educationally there is much in this and the fun too. I remember 'volunteering' to have the live school rabbit for the Christmas holidays as a 5 year old, my mother was not at all pleased but I don't think I had to do a chat on its return.
Aww the rabbit sounds cute. Great fun for the kids but maybe not so for the parents.
the last time our eldest daughter brought the class pet home we had a worm farm for 2 weeks! I guess it could have been worse
The rabbit stayed for the Christmas holidays and there was a lot of snow and mum had to care for it
A rabbit is easier to care for than a lamb.
My kids brought home a lamb one year. It came with a lead, thank goodness.
you did great, hope they will treat Molly now with special care and love. Molly still looks a bit sad, but back in the classroom she will recover by the attention and love that will surround her....
I think the teacher was planning on Molly retiring at the end of the year so maybe she may now have a new life ahead of her!