by toogie ( edited 11 Jan 2018 ) 08 Jan 2018

UPDATE BELOW-Hello Cuties! Have any of you ever seen these? I received one as a Christmas present and told my daughter mother in law, I think I will start making some. She said that was her idea for me, too when she bought it. They are called a Kitchen Boa. Of course the one on the right, black towel was my gift and I made the other.

If I had known about these BEFORE Christmas, my SS would have gotten this instead of
Have a great day/night where ever you may be-Toogie

UPdate- I have posted instructions of how I make these in Sewing. Look for the photo of this red one. Scroll down for more info in that post.


by mechille 11 Jan 2018

What an idea Toogie, yours looks as good as the bought one... Thanks for sharing. :)

1 comment
toogie by toogie 11 Jan 2018

Thank you Mechille, how nice of you to say. Always glad to help if I can.

by katydid 09 Jan 2018

Now I see your post with photo of towel around the neck. It explains my earlier question. Clever ,I have not seen these before. Kay

1 comment
toogie by toogie 10 Jan 2018

My first time seeing one too, Kay. I knew you would see this and I know you and Carolyn do a lot of towels. Just something different to spur us on!

by jrob Moderator 09 Jan 2018


1 comment
toogie by toogie 10 Jan 2018


by pennifold 09 Jan 2018

Ha ha ha, my kids always comment that I've got a tea towel hanging off my shoulders. This would be great, well done Toogie. Love Chris

1 comment
toogie by toogie 10 Jan 2018

Maybe a future ladies luncheon gift?-lol- I love new ideas and when I find some, Cuties benefit! Thanks _Toogie

by kustomkuddle 09 Jan 2018

This is a great idea. I have never heard of it before. Thanks for sharing.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 10 Jan 2018

My first time seeing one, too. Carmen, the lady that gave it to me, said she knew I could make some when I looked at it, so now all of us can. A gift that keeps on giving-lol

by sonjapotgieter 09 Jan 2018

Stunning...Great work and Idea!! Gorgeous!!!

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toogie by toogie 10 Jan 2018

Thank you Sonja, now you can make one, as we all use kitchen towels.

by liliana1 09 Jan 2018

Great Idea

1 comment
toogie by toogie 10 Jan 2018

Not mine but thanks!

by basketkase 09 Jan 2018

Very clever and useful.....I found an on line instruction sheet see link below

toogie by toogie 09 Jan 2018

This explains it simply enough. I guess I over explain, but also I thought it best Not to cut your towel, until After embroidery. I realized the one on your link isn't embroidered but maybe between my instructions and this link, Cuties can understand how simple it really is. Thanks for finding this for all of us.-Toogie

worthy by worthy 09 Jan 2018

Toggie, You can never over explain. Thanks for the great instructions.

lilylady by lilylady 10 Jan 2018

Thanks Vicki!

toogie by toogie 10 Jan 2018

The reason I say I over explain, is what may be simple for some, is what may not be so for others. We just have to help everybody and the ones that already know, well good for them! Glad you found it helpful.

by parkermom 09 Jan 2018

Let me add my name to those who want to learn about this. Those are so very clever and useful for people like me who can use up a roll of paper towels in non time!

1 comment
toogie by toogie 09 Jan 2018

I know exactly what you mean. Look in Community/Sewing.

by noah 09 Jan 2018

How long are these Toogie and do u have anything more to tell us so we could try one please hugs

1 comment
toogie by toogie 09 Jan 2018

It's all in the info in Sewing.

by kathymourie 09 Jan 2018

WOW!!! Toogie can I have your pattern? I think I will make these for Christmas this year. I had a hard time thinking of something to make this pass Christmas.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 09 Jan 2018

Hey Kathy, look in Community/Sewing. I just posted it. I know what you mean about not knowing what to make 'unique' for Christmas. I think I succeeded but it was stressful trying to hurry. You have plenty time if you start now, for this 2018 Christmas.

by anagha 09 Jan 2018

nice one..

1 comment
toogie by toogie 10 Jan 2018

Thank you..

by raels011 09 Jan 2018

Very good . Do you have a pattern???

toogie by toogie edited 09 Jan 2018

No, but if you're interested I did write up a pdf including two photos, with instructions 3 pages long. Thanks

raels011 by raels011 09 Jan 2018

Would really like it as I am always grabbing the tea towel

mrskiki by mrskiki 09 Jan 2018

Great idea. Can you post your instructions or must we PM you for them? Hugs. Nan

noah by noah 09 Jan 2018

yes please do*******

sewdoctor by sewdoctor 09 Jan 2018

Yes Yes Yes.....Please and Thank you!

toogie by toogie 09 Jan 2018

I have posted the instructions of how I made mine in Community/Sewing for all to use. I may have over explained for seasoned sewers but if you need further explanation just ask, always here to help if I can.-Toogie

by crafter2243 Moderator 09 Jan 2018

Smart idea and great future gift.

1 comment
toogie by toogie 09 Jan 2018

Yes, as you now know, this will be on my 'bus gift list'.

by bielie 08 Jan 2018

Great idea. Might make one for myself too;)

1 comment
toogie by toogie 09 Jan 2018

I thought they would be handy, as well. Seems like when you're working in the kitchen, you're always reaching for a towel.

by dragonflyer 08 Jan 2018

Very clever!

1 comment
toogie by toogie 09 Jan 2018

Yes, indeed.