I remember my mother sending us kids outside with a sheet and instructions to rake leaves. Of course, we had to rake piles and jump into them before getting down to the real work. We would rake onto the sheet and then gather all four corners and drag the pile to the garden for composting. My mom, who is 85 now, still rakes leaves that way.
The last time I jumped in a pile of leaves I was 37 or 38 and I was "teaching" the six year old next door (only child) how to jump. She had never been allowed. We had a blast and I ached for three days afterward.
Those piles aren't nearly as soft when as an adult as what I remember as a kid! Good for you for passing that knowledge on. She'll remember that a long time.
You have way more energy than I do. Quick take a picture so you remember the reward of all of your hard work.
congratulations but don't forget your embroidery machine for too long
Been quilting potholders again today. Need to move on to something else, but having fun playing with color combinations.