Here is some information on Push and Pull compensation...
If you understand Push and Pull compensation, you can look at a design in digitizing software and see if the digitizer of the design has allowed for push and/or pull. If they have not, the design can usually be edited to add them where necessary. This would not generally be something that you could add or adjust in your embroidery machine.
Pull compensation (p.c.) is added in the digitising stage, in increments of a tenth of a mm.
In an existing embroidery design the computer generated picture of the design might show the outline being a tiny bit inside the fill stitches.
I digitised an example. For demonstration I set the p.c. very high at 1 mm, usually I don't go higher than 0.3 mm. As you can see the compensation is added only in the stitch direction.
1 - no compensation;
2 - with compensation;
3 - with compensation, different stitch direction.
Adding p.c. to an embroidery design can be done in Embird Basic, but as far as I know it can't be done in 6D. So have a look at any customising software you might have.
Ok. Is #1 with compensation and #2 without? Or is my monitor playing games with my eyes?