by vickiannette 04 Jul 2018

my 20 year old [Art student] grand-daughter has asked me to make an Art smock. I am thinking a raglan style slip on, bit like hospital gown. [before operations etc]

Does anyone have any helpful information for me? haven't made a bib or such for many years.


by pennyhal2 07 Jul 2018

I found this artist style that I thought would have a lot of uses. It's basically an apron out of canvas with pockets that would be easy to make yourself. What kind of art she is doing may dictate what kind of smock she needs. If she's doing clay, a different kind of smock would be more useful.

by toogie 05 Jul 2018

I'm sorry, I am no help except to bring it to first page again. Let us know if you find what you're looking for. Good luck!

1 comment
vickiannette by vickiannette 06 Jul 2018

thanks Toogie, I will 'knock' something up. Asha is not fussy, just wants to preserve her cloths.

by graceandham 04 Jul 2018

Just for fun, Google Folkwear, They have fabulous ethnic and antique look clothing patterns. Might get some great ideas.

vickiannette by vickiannette 05 Jul 2018

thank you, I will do. need a bit of inspiration!

vickiannette by vickiannette 05 Jul 2018

ooh, yes thanks, they do have lots of lovely things to see