When my oldest son was about five, he looked at me over his hamburger plate and asked, "Mom, did they have ketchup when you were little." It was payback for me asking my Boston grandmother if she got to go to the Boston Tea Party (an incident in American history before it was America).
Brilliant. Today y eldest (similar age) asked was I on the Titanic. What a question to be asked when driving home from school
I got a call, bent over the table to write down the massage, my Grandoughter came along, poked a finger in my butt and said " Oma, you have a tasty bottom", just the same sentence and situation like in 1982 I had with my doughter.
lol- as the saying goes, 'Kids say the darnest things!'
Was that from Art Linkletter?
Put a smile on my face I can tell you. Those comments are precious cherish it.
Very cute! Never know what will roll out of the mouth of a seven year old!
Out of the mouths of babes! I bet that tickled your fancy Jan. Love Chris