by haleymax 13 Nov 2018

Hello Cuties, sorry I haven't responded to any birthdays/anniversaries, but since life has thrown me another curve. I'm asking for your prayers for our family. My sister-in-law's cancer has returned and tomorrow she will come home from the hospital under hospice care. She is one of four of my family dealing with this dread disease at this time.


by stork 15 Nov 2018

So sorry to hear this! May you find you and your family in my prayers. God Bless!

by parkermom 15 Nov 2018

Cancer is such a cruel disease, and it seems to be more and more prevalent. You and your family will be in my prayers.

by sdrise 14 Nov 2018

So Sorry.... Prayers are coming your way!

by maleah 14 Nov 2018

I am so sorry for this to happen. Prayers for you..

by crafter2243 Moderator 14 Nov 2018

I am so sorry. Cancer is devastating when one person has to go through it. To have 4 family members battle that fight must be so difficult. Prayers for you and the family.

by kustomkuddle 14 Nov 2018

You and your family will definitely be in my thoughts and prayers as you go through this difficult time. Praying that your sister in law finds peace. Hospice was such an big help when my father passes. Praying that they are just as good for your family.

by sewdeb 14 Nov 2018

I am so sorry that you are having so much to deal with at this time. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

by jrob Moderator 14 Nov 2018

Maxine, I'm adding my prayers to those offered here. That is a lot of trauma to deal with all at one time. I'm so sorry. Try to remember to take care of yourself as you deal with this sad time.

by airyfairy 14 Nov 2018

Thinking of you during this time.

by cfidl 13 Nov 2018

Prayers for you and your family. God bless and may his strength be yours, his grace be upon you and his love be felt by all around you.

by pennifold 13 Nov 2018

Oh! my what a lot of health issues you are having to deal with. I will certainly keep you and your whole family upheld in prayer. You can always count on us, love Chris

by toogie 13 Nov 2018

Bless your heart, that's a lot for anyone to deal with. If you're asking for prayer then that means you are already leaning on the One, that can give you the peace and comfort you need. May God wrap you all in His mercy and grace.-Toogie

by rescuer Moderator 13 Nov 2018

Heartbreaking -- I am so sorry. That is a lot to deal with. Praying for you all.

by lbrow 13 Nov 2018

I am praying for all of you,especially your sis n law.

by basketkase 13 Nov 2018

So sorry your life is so overwhelming right and your family are in my prayers...