by graceandham 28 Dec 2018

Have a bad boo-boo on one of my knuckles and have been trying to remember how I might have injured it in the yard and with which tool. Yesterday hooped up and pressed start button with my fingertip, but as I got busy, I started using that same knuckle to press Start. Whoa! Not a gardening injury, an embroidery injury. Be careful out there!


by jrob Moderator 29 Dec 2018

You took "knuckle down" seriously.

1 comment
graceandham by graceandham 30 Dec 2018

I mean I took a hunk of meat out - may not heal pretty.

by pennifold 29 Dec 2018

And the knuckles are very tender, I hope you heal quickly. Love Chris

by zoefzoef 29 Dec 2018

Oh dear, please take care of yourself.

by sewdeb 28 Dec 2018

So sorry to hear about your injury! Take care, dear lady!