by lilylady 21 Jan 2019

This was freebie from Meryl Makes yesterday. Sew Cute my GGD'S are going to LOVE theses. Still very cold here. Thanks for looking, Sandy


by sonjapotgieter 22 Jan 2019

Beautiful!!!Great designs!!

1 comment
lilylady by lilylady 22 Jan 2019

Thank You!

by lbrow 22 Jan 2019

They are very nice!

1 comment
lilylady by lilylady 22 Jan 2019


by blueeyedblonde 22 Jan 2019

Very cute!

1 comment
lilylady by lilylady 22 Jan 2019

Thank You!

by pennifold 21 Jan 2019

Great work on them Sandy. Good luck with the others you have yet to make. Love Chris

1 comment
lilylady by lilylady 22 Jan 2019

Thanks, got 8 done, more then I need.

by peafarm 21 Jan 2019

Sew Cute! My granddaughter is a purple and teal girl. I love anything snap tab regardless of colors. They are all so pretty.

1 comment
lilylady by lilylady 22 Jan 2019


by lillybear 21 Jan 2019

Those came out great - love the pink - just perfect for girls.

What kinda needle did you use? I am still learning embroidering on vinyl

lilylady by lilylady 21 Jan 2019

I use same needle as I do in regular embroidering 75/14. Yes Pink is in. LOL!

lillybear by lillybear 21 Jan 2019

great thanks, going to give them a try as soon as I get some pink vinyl.

by Renga 21 Jan 2019

Thank you so much for showing it. I could get it, The code from the homepage is still valid for some hours.

1 comment
lilylady by lilylady 21 Jan 2019

Sew Cute!

by basketkase 21 Jan 2019

Very cool!

1 comment
lilylady by lilylady 21 Jan 2019

Thank You VickI!

by stork 21 Jan 2019

Wonderful Sandy. Those grands are going to love them!

1 comment
lilylady by lilylady 21 Jan 2019

Thank You. Yes they will.

by dragonflyer 21 Jan 2019

Great job, the pink!!

1 comment
lilylady by lilylady 21 Jan 2019


by dailylaundry 21 Jan 2019

Oh this came out so cute - I will be making some for little Granddaughter and her friends!!! Hugs, Laura

1 comment
lilylady by lilylady 21 Jan 2019

Sew Cute, They will love them!

by bemara 21 Jan 2019

great colour :-)

1 comment
lilylady by lilylady 21 Jan 2019

Thank You!

by toogie 21 Jan 2019

I just dl this design and thought Nora will love this too! I like your pink vinyl. I think I am out of this color but yours looks pretty.Good and quick job!

lilylady by lilylady 21 Jan 2019

Just happened to have some pink on and. When you have 6 GGD's, you have pink!

toogie by toogie 21 Jan 2019

Ah, to be so lucky!