by dragonflyer 06 Mar 2019

Here is the ITH Needle Case I designed for another one of my classes...I did this sample test for my SIL. I think she will like it, especially when she travels. Thanks for looking, Cuties!


by tinfriend 13 Mar 2019

Kim this is just so cute and neatly designed! You are a very talented Cutie! HUGS

by jrob Moderator 09 Mar 2019

Kim, your work is always wonderful. That's a gift any seamstress would love and the fact that it's pretty is even better.

by blueeyedblonde 09 Mar 2019

This is fantastic - love it! I carry a small one I got years ago. This is so much better!

by peafarm 08 Mar 2019

What a nice and very usable snap tab carrier. It would be so handy to carry to club. Another great ST design.

by babash 08 Mar 2019

This is just so practical and pretty at the same time. I am guessing that it is made from Felt am I correct?
Love the detail in it.

by pennyhal2 08 Mar 2019

Now this is something I could use! Yours is fantastic and your SIL will appreciate your thoughtfullness.

by pennifold 06 Mar 2019

Great little gift there Kim, my mother in law never travelled without one! Your sister in law will love it. Love Chris

by noah 06 Mar 2019

My Mom would of liked something like this for her purse +++Love it Kim hugs

by lilylady 06 Mar 2019

This is Great Idea and very useful. Nice design.

by stork 06 Mar 2019

Love how you have it snapped shut. Another wonderful design and very useful.

by sonjapotgieter 06 Mar 2019

Love it !!!Great design..Well done!!!

by basketkase 06 Mar 2019

Great digitizing, Kim....these will be popular!

by crafter2243 Moderator 06 Mar 2019

Lovely idea and very practical. You always have great ideas.

by dailylaundry 06 Mar 2019

Great idea!!! Your Sister-in-law will love it!!

by sebsews 06 Mar 2019

What a smart item to carry on a trip or just to keep those needles organized. Great job. Wish you were closer, I would attend your classes. Suzanna