Toogie - just Google: water play table and you'll see what they look like. He will love playing in it and it shouldn't be dangerous. Your idea of the bean bag toss is excellent. He could also help you water plants each day. My little grandson loves the hose! Hugs, Laura
I saw this cute idea for Rylan's age. Find a big cardboard box (the bigger the better - like an appliance box) and let him sit in it and color the inside of the box to his hearts content. Just remember to collect the crayons when he is tired of it so they aren't used to color on your walls!!! I was also thinking about some things to do outside: throwing games - a sand box and perhaps a water table. Little guys his age love playing with a hose. Good luck - please let us know how it will go! Hugs, Laura
Laura, what's a water table? Am I the only one who doesn't know of this?
Throwing bean bag toss would be good. My husband has a 'washer board game' they call it. A wooden box that they toss large metal washers in the holes, from a distance.
Expanding on the bean bag toss would be coits, or horseshoes, skittles, big jig saw puzzles, puzzle blocks, where they fit the different shapes into indents on a board.
pick up sticks, jacks, noughts n crosses depending on his skills of course, potato painting, shops, doctors n nurses, afternoon teas and picnics,
Oh and don't forget magazines and scrap booking, making things from greeting cards, etc. You're going to have so much fun. They're all things you can do, he can help or watch if you make it exciting and interesting and I couldn't think of anyone more capable of doing that, than you.
I always said if you give a little boy a hose with water dribbling out of it, it's like tying him to a rope in the yard. They are fascinated by it. (Probably girls, too, but I had boys.)
Big LEGO blocks, cars, coloring books, beginner scissors and cutting fun, glue, books, play doh, puzzles, baking cookies. That should take care of the first 10 minutes. I don't envy you sister!
You got that right, but my grand daughter has a friend, not working steady right now. She said she once worked at a nursery with 1 & 2 year olds. She said she would help me entertain him, like they did these little ones, if I needed her to come over. I just may take her up on it!
Hmmm...quiet and 2yo are incongruous! Maybe a fiddle book?
So sad to hear about his injury. Sending Prayers and well wishes. One thing we did to keep an older boy quiet with little movement, was to go fishing. It wasn't a great fishing hole, LOL, as we spent alot of time waiting for a nibble. Since no water/pool play allowed, we set up a small basin/wash tub with some floating toys and items, and others that would sink to keep him entertained. To cool off, an inflatable small boat with just a little water in it-- provided cushioned support to relax while cooling off a bit. Best wishes for a full recovery!
I don't blame you for being nervous, but remember we will be praying for the safety of Rylan and you whenever you need us to pray. I love the ideas of reading while cuddling, finger painting, play dough, simple cooking and so on. How about a trip to the library for the Children's Reading Time? It is a quiet activity so won't stress him or you. He might enjoy watching the plants grow in your garden or even doing a little watering. Perhaps the library has some children's books on tape so he doesn't need to stress his brain with both auditory and visual stimulus. Since he can't be very active, it is a great time to introduce him to lots of fun crafts and he is going to be spoiled with lots of attention. I think you will look back at this time and remember it as a golden time filled with lots of good memories and filled with laughter and smiles. The stress will be left behind.
You are so kind and I do hope all this will soon be behind us and he will be 'whole' again.
Toogie I use to purchase videos for Caleb when he was that age and I kept him. Don't know if they still have things like that or not. They were for his age and he would watch them over and over. I remember that purple dinosaur use to drive me crazy but Caleb would watch it for hours at a time. There were many more interesting ones he liked so maybe you can find something like that.
Movies would occupy him, but not too much screen time, 30 min. I think the brain needs rest and all the eye movement in a movie or concentrating must be too much 'excitement' for the brain. I had got 3 movies at the library before I knew this because I thought that would be a good quiet time too...Hope you are doing well.
I know you will do a fabulous job. Children of that age usually do not have the stop mechanism or even a slow down... My prayers are for you!
I don't suppose he'd be allowed to sit in a wading pool either. Summer can be dreadful without some cool water fun. As others have suggested, helping you sew or cook, and reading sound like good ideas and the quiet walks. Maybe a trip to a zoo or museum? Good luck and I hope you both can enjoy yourselves and not be distressed. Children's board games, maybe?
I am happy for you and your family Rylan is doing better. I always loved painting with water colors. Lots of good ideas and comments for you to look though. Make sure you get rest too! Suzanna
Looks like you have some great ideas below, Toogie...I agree with Angie...I would think a helmet would help... Have you discussed a helmet with his doctor? He would still not be able to do the things you listed above, but it might help in the event he took a spill. It will be challenging to be sure... How about letting him help you with your embroidery...pushing the buttons on your machine when needed... Let him pick out a fun design, then the threads and make some T-shirts for him...
They have expressed their desire for a helmet but dr insist he doesn't need one because none of the skull is missing. They said helmets are for patients with part of skull missing.
OH Toogie I feel your concern. You have some good ideas given already. Also perhaps a daily walk to see the beauty of nature around you. Are there animals you can visit like horses?
Out of ideas. The attention span is so short at this age. I am still thinking he should were a helmet. Could you sew some quiet books with shoe lace, matching shapes etc. Plastic Canvas and yarn to weave with? I do not envy you. Oh yes my girls used to love age appropriate puzzles.
If you can find an old tape recorder, make a tape of Mom, Dad, and/or you reading his favorite books. That way when you're both tired or you're driving, he can have his stack of books and be entertained. Works with a phone too but I don't know about putting a phone in his little hands or about the size of the file on a phone.
Looks like you will have your hands full. He will miss not being able to do the things the other children are doing. You have some good ideas below and am sure others will come up with more. Give him a big hug from me. Hugs to you also.
Thank you Shirley, keeping him safe will be stressful so I hope I can do it. I sure don't want anything further to happen to him.
Well Toogie looks like your going to have some fun. Painting, colouring, cooking. My boys enjoy grating cheese, making bread and topping for crumble. Lego/Duplo, simple jigsaw puzzles. Reading, reading, reading. Maybe look on Pinterest to get ideas. Good Luck and if I think of more ideas I will add them
Hi Toogie, from my experience with our grands they all loved finger painting at this age. It's an outdoor activity of course and as it's nearly summer it's a great way of being outdoors and the best place to be.
Also playing with Play Dough. Of course any paper and glue making activity like blowing up a balloon and making papier mache things. You will need kids scissors etc. I used to cut up the paper and let them go wild with the designs on the balloon. Just a couple of suggestions, I'm sure there will be many more. Love Chris
Toss him in the tub for that finger painting, then a bath! Can he play in the sprinkler? Duplos/Legos, and building blocks. A card table tent, with toys and books inside. Dress up hats or capes, so lots of pretend. Puppy or kitty?