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by aussiequilter ( edited 24 May 2019 ) 19 May 2019

I have been mia for some time i have been having Gallbladder problems last Thursday it was removed, so hopefully i will be back in actin soon*

update i have been really sick since having my gallbladder outI had another stint in hospital on Wednesday and been for blood tests i hope this settles down soon i have lost 8 kgs in just over a week far too much


by dlonnahawkins 24 May 2019

I just went thru this surgery 3 weeks ago. I had to have emergency surgery due to a stone lodged in duct. I certainly hope that you are getting along better. My husband had the same issue last July, and he lost 15 lbs in 5 days while in the hospital, and has lost a total of 30 lbs. I actually gained weight because of steroids I was given, but it is coming back down. I could not believe that I had gained weight after not being able to eat or drink anything for 4 days, but I am getting along great. Back to my regular activities. Wishing you the best and a speedy recovery.

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aussiequilter by aussiequilter 25 May 2019

I really feel for you ,i hope you are feeling much better now

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by pennyhal2 edited 24 May 2019

Gall bladders can cause a lot of problems, but that is way too much weight to lose in such a short time. I hope what is happening to you now gets resolved quickly! I'm sure you are anxious to get back to living your life without pain!

Some people have side effect for the rest of their life, other have no side effects at all. I happen to have side effects, but digestive enzymes help. Talk to your doctor!

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aussiequilter by aussiequilter 25 May 2019

This is the best day i have had in 2 weeks so hopefully im on the mend now

by toogie 24 May 2019

That is far too much weight in only a week. (I had to google but over 17 pounds in USA weight) I too hope it settles down for you and your recovery is soon to be realized.

by aussiequilter 24 May 2019


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by toogie edited 20 May 2019

After I got over surgery, I felt the best I had felt in YEARS. Improved digestive tract amazingly for about a month. I have always had a problem and still do.
I hope you do well and I'm sure you will. I have other issues so that's why I'm back to my 'normal'.

by cfidl 19 May 2019

Get well soon!

by sewdeb 19 May 2019

I'm glad your surgery went well and I'm certain you will be feeling so much better now that your pesky gall bladder is gone and "good riddance!!" Praying for a speedy recovery! Hugs*, Deb

by meganne 19 May 2019

Hey Monika, I just popped by and saw your post. So sorry to hear you've been having health problems, hopefully you'll soon be feeling fabulous again.
My first hubby and both his Mum and Dad, had their gall bladders removed and all three still had issues with certain foods afterwards. Spicy foods or food made with tomato paste in it seemed to cause them pain, but not as bad as before their surgeries. Only saying so you can be aware just in case, but praying you'll never suffer from it again. Huge hugs, Meg

1 comment
toogie by toogie 20 May 2019

This is good to know Meg as I had mine out 5 years ago. I started having pain again and googled ' can you have gallstones after removal of gall bladder ' . Maybe I should watch what I'm eating....

by sebsews 19 May 2019

I am glad your surgery went well! Now recover!

by dragonflyer 19 May 2019

Glad your surgery went well and you are on the mend...take it easy!

by graceandham 19 May 2019

Yeah and good riddance. They are a pain. You will be amazed at how badly you've been feeling for a long time, gauged by how much better you feel now. It took me almost 9 months to get completely over the surgery, but felt better immediately.

by pennifold 19 May 2019

So glad it all went well. Take it easy for a while to come Monika. Love Chris

by mrskiki 19 May 2019

Glad to hear you are on the mend. Hugs. Nan W