Patti, sorry to hear you're sick. Hope you feel better soon. Here's the post I put up about the seahorse. You can find the link there.
Thank you Toogie--I went to the second page of community and saw your post---I got it and few other things. I forgot about this site. Had to reset password to get in. This durn Cellulitis infection hits my left arm out of the blue [I get this from my breast cancer and lymph nodes being removed] It hits when it want and yesterday afternoon it hit with a vengeance. Luckily I keep an antibiotic handy for just this reason. Thank heavens for a Dr. that will write one for 'just in case', otherwise I'd be in the ER.
I think the one you are looking for is at and at top of page do a search for seahorse... good luck and hope you feel better after your nap :)
Thank you for responding. I am more the collector than the stitcher. I do stitch but have to be 'in the mood'. So many unfinished projects since new ones get introduced in my Sewing club. Right now it is the Fun On the Farm by Eleanor Burns---normally a 12 block but I am adding 3 more since I like the extra's. So 3 more left to do and then doing the split rail border. Will all take me time though.
Oh Toogie, you should go download the free ones. They are all so cute and not too hard. I've not done the tractor yet, someone said that was hard. A couple I've done it was like putting a puzzle together but the 11 I've got done are really cute.