by bielie 22 Dec 2019

Pouch for my DIL. She loves owls. Design from Emblibrary


by bielie 31 Dec 2019

Thank you all for lovely comments. There is a also cat one in my wishlist!
Hoping to get is later. Happy sewing in 2020!

by toogie 28 Dec 2019

Oh I love it! You have made the perfect present for her!

by phone1lady 26 Dec 2019

This absolutely Gorgeous!!!!!! I also love oqls & will be making myself a purse with that design, thanks for making it & showing it to us.

by blueeyedblonde 25 Dec 2019

Awesome! Really caught my attention!
Showed my hubby and he was impressed!

by zoefzoef 23 Dec 2019

Super nice !

by pennifold 23 Dec 2019

This is gorgeous Lynette, no wonder your DIL loved it. Well done and Merry Christmas to you. Love Chris

1 comment
bielie by bielie 23 Dec 2019

Thank you, same for all the cuties

by graceandham 22 Dec 2019

I love that he's dark like nighttime. She should love it.

by bielie 22 Dec 2019

Thanks for lovely comments. Very quick to sew out. She was so thrilled with it.

by sonjapotgieter 22 Dec 2019

Wow!!!!Stunning..Love it!!

by noah 22 Dec 2019

Love it do you need my address??lol

by pennyhal2 22 Dec 2019

Those eyes really glow from the thread colors you chose! The stippling hardly shows which made the design really stand out nicely. Fantastic project! I may have to hurry over and purchase this design!

1 comment
bielie by bielie 23 Dec 2019

This was the largest size

by crafter2243 Moderator 22 Dec 2019

Good job. I hope my daughter in law does not see this. She would want one. Great gift for a owl lover.

by dailylaundry 22 Dec 2019

Oh, I have that design too - this turned out so lovely!! Well done!