Thanks for doing this! I can understand why people bring up old projects as they are so wonderful! However, it does create a problem. A lot of my favorite sites have closed and it sure helps having them deleted here.
How very thoughtful of you Deb. That certainly wasn't required, but at the same time is greatly appreciated.You are no trouble and what we do, we have agreed to do, so please don't worry. I loved seeing your projects come up again and I know that I'm not the only one. {{{{{{{{Hugs}}}}}}}}}}
(surrounding you with virtual hugs!)
Apologies. The other day a post appeared from 2015 which I now realise was your work. We often get posts from the past appearing (which is fine) then people comment without reading as to where has the design come from etc which is why I put the comment up that I did. I am very sorry if I have caused you work in going over past posts to edit them, but your a star for doing so
I was just surprised to see my bunnies appear at the top of the list and realized that so many of my favorite sites had sadly closed since I posted the pictures.
It really wasn't that much work to edit them - now if I held the record for posting projects like a certain Canadian Friend, I'd still be editing! 😄
That was very considerate of you to go to all that trouble. And thanks for your posts, always.
You have nothing to be sorry for! We have lots of older projects show up. Thank you for being so considerate of other's feelings, but the posts are at the top for a short time. We enjoy looking at the old projects. That was a lot of work for you to change them! Please know we are not frustrated by people loving what they see here on Cute. Hugs!
Not really that much work - and I enjoyed revisiting all of my projects and everyone's kind comments!