by noah 25 Jan 2020

Me again with another question,I been looking and reading trying to learn /find placement on how to do a doily for example.There is no one in my bush to help me and i would like to learn to do this properly.I was hoping for a utube video but I cannot find one . I learn best with pictures in step by step, not the written words .Any ideas anyone please???Thanks Carolyn


getEdited - SELECT
by mops Moderator edited 30 Jan 2020

Have you looked in your user's manual for your machine(s). In my manual for the Ruby they show you how to put 2 designs together, so you could sew the 'wedges' together without bother.

You can also print out the design and use that as a template. Use at least two templates (or more) and arrange those on your fabric making sure they connect correctly. Mark the axis-lines and the centre for each one - might be helpful. Mark two, then rearrange the first one to get #3 marked, and so on.

No sewing together afterwards, just careful marking and hooping.

1 comment
noah by noah 31 Jan 2020

I am starting to get this thanks:):)

by lidiad 30 Jan 2020

Hi Carolyn,
I know what you mean. In order to do that you must use a design that has been digitized with a border suitable for doilies, then you have to use your embroidery software (like Embird). In your software, open the design, duplicate it (6 or 8 times or more) in a circle. If the complete doily fits into your hoop, fine, otherwise reduce or add more times until it fits your hoop and you can stitch it out in one hooping. Years ago, when we all had small hoops, the digitizers used to offer designs of wedges of doilies that you could stitch out one piece at a time and then you could use the zig-zag of your machine to stitch all the vedges together and get a larger doily. You can still buy them if you want. Refer to the photo below. Hugs, Lidia

1 comment
noah by noah 31 Jan 2020

yes i have done this type using Yorikos designs and got it right lol thanks

by noah 29 Jan 2020

No help yet from all the suggestions :(:(But it is ok one day i will get it Thanks

by mrskiki 29 Jan 2020

Guess I am not sure exactly what you are looking for. Can you give more details? Hugs. Nan

noah by noah 29 Jan 2020

if i had one part of a doily and i needed to make 6 more the same how would i do it???Need to get them even etc??

asterixsew by asterixsew 29 Jan 2020

Copy and paste and join it all together?

by pennyhal2 28 Jan 2020

Most of the ones I've seen photos of either stitch them together with their sewing machine using a narrow zigzag or use a satin stitch.

1 comment
noah by noah 28 Jan 2020

Yes i can do that just fine but it is the other i was hoping to learn thanks

by mrskiki 27 Jan 2020

Is this one what you have in mind?

Also how about Shirlene? Seems she is the fsl queen. Hugs. Nan

noah by noah 27 Jan 2020

No not like this one I will ask Shirlene thanks where did u go on that site to get to tutorials??

mrskiki by mrskiki 28 Jan 2020

Under the EL logo, far right Projects, click on that and in the drop down there is Search Projects. I typed in freestanding lace doily.

noah by noah 28 Jan 2020

No go with her either

by mops Moderator 26 Jan 2020

Carolyn, I don't exactly know what you mean. Are you thinking of one piece of fabric and embroidering a design several times without outlines being out of alignment? Your machine manual should have some info about placement marks and how to use them. Can you show what you want to do or what the problem is?

mops by mops edited 26 Jan 2020

you might look on youTube for split embroidery designs - I noticed there are quite a few

noah by noah 26 Jan 2020

will look under that , heading thanks I am looking for say a ruffly edge and turn it into a nice doily whatever shape? oblong , round etc. thanks i like pictures i learn best like that

by mrskiki 26 Jan 2020

Also here is a you tube from embroidery library. Hugs. Nan

noah by noah 26 Jan 2020

thanks will check it out

noah by noah 26 Jan 2020

no that one just shows u how to do a ready made one I want to learn to piece say 6 pieces together to make a big doily

by graceandham 25 Jan 2020

You need the Cutie who does all the doilies for Sue Box. Is that lidiad maybe? Write and ask!

1 comment
noah by noah 25 Jan 2020

ok good idea thanks:):)