by lidiad ( edited 24 Feb 2020 ) 24 Feb 2020

I made a Valentine's doily.

Hugs, Lidia


by mooie24 19 Aug 2020

oh my, so beautiful, you create such stunning pieces
big hugs from London
Maria x

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 19 Aug 2020

Thank you Maria.
Big hugs from Melbourne, Australia.

by stella1 30 Jul 2020

Lidia so absolute so beautifuland very nice

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 30 Jul 2020

Thank you, Stella.
Hugs, Lidia

by peafarm 01 Mar 2020

Lovely Lidia--I got this design but could not even go to the forum and think about buying anything let alone get enough time to browse. Bad when everyone in the family thinks their time is so valuable but not my time. I'm saving my $ for getting my machine looked at. I can't see a thing wrong but I am not a mechanic on sewing machines although I have always serviced all my old ones. This Ellisimo Gold I am afraid is going to cost me. But your doily is wonderful as is your border.

noah by noah 01 Mar 2020

Wish she would do a course and teach use how to do these lol

lidiad by lidiad 02 Mar 2020

Many people think that when you retire don't have anything to do and get bored. It may apply to many men (who never do anything at home) but not to women. Women get frustrated. Tell your family that you need time for yourself too, like everybody else. At our age we don't have the energy we had when we were younger and we get tired quickly. Thank you for your comment about my doily. Hugs, Lidia

by lildoll2 27 Feb 2020

you do such beautiful work... who do i see to order one of these designs, i can see me making one for all my kids the girls would love it, my eye sight is getting worse, i have that macular thing in my right eye, i will get it in both eyes someday . i am trying to make as many nice things as i can before i can't see them anymore. i have done several of your other designs, not as pretty as yours, but my kids loved them, thank you for showing us , xoxo doris lilldoll2

lidiad by lidiad 28 Feb 2020

Dear Doris, I'm sorry about the problem you are having with the Macular degeneration. The heart design is a February freebee available from Gracefulembroidery but you have to be their member in their Forum section, and is available until the end of February (29th). If you want the rose design, you can buy the whole set for US$1.00. The set is called Floribunda's Serenade 3 and is on special at this price until the 29th of February. You have to open an account with them to buy designs. Hugs, Lidia

lidiad by lidiad 28 Feb 2020

To be clear, if you want the heart design and the rose design you have to be their member in two sections of their website. Hugs, Lidia

by pennifold 26 Feb 2020

Wow! Lidia, this is just gorgeous. Each time I see your name come up I so look forward to seeing your next beautiful creation. This is no exception, it looks fab! I love your Mauve edging after the rope too, superb job, as always. Love Chris

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 27 Feb 2020

Thank you Chris. You are too kind.
Hugs, Lidia

by jenne 26 Feb 2020

Oh, I love this.

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 27 Feb 2020

Thank you.
Hugs, Lidia

by blueeyedblonde 26 Feb 2020

Very lovely!

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad edited 27 Feb 2020

Thank you.
Hugs, Lidia

by pennyhal2 25 Feb 2020

You are the Queen of doilies! Each one you make is just perfect! I like the little flowers that add an interesting touch to it, and the shape of this is something I haven't seen before. Nicely done!

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 25 Feb 2020

Thank you, Penny.
Hugs, Lidia

by robertahilde 24 Feb 2020

Beautiful, love the choice of colours!
Hugs Roberta

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 25 Feb 2020

Thank you Roberta.
Hugs, Lidia

by shirley124 24 Feb 2020

Beautiful. Hugs

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 25 Feb 2020

Thank you Shirley. Hugs, Lidia

by dailylaundry 24 Feb 2020

Oh Lidia, how absolutely beautiful!!! I love the rose and especially the rope edging! Perfection!

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 25 Feb 2020

Thank you Laura, you are too kind.
Hugs, Lidia

by sonjapotgieter 24 Feb 2020


1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 25 Feb 2020

Thank you Sonja!
Hugs, Lidia

by basketkase 24 Feb 2020

Gorgeous, Lidia......I love the purple around the border......

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 25 Feb 2020

Thanks Vicki. The colour is a bit lighter than purple (same family) and is called Mauve.
Hugs, Lidia

by crafter2243 Moderator 24 Feb 2020

So sweet and very special as always.

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 25 Feb 2020

Thank you Angie.
Hugs, Lidia

by sewpam 24 Feb 2020

That is stunning!! You can use that all year.

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 25 Feb 2020

Yes, I thought the same thing, I can use it all year. Thank you for your comment.
Hugs, Lidia

by toogie 24 Feb 2020

Beautiful! Your work, on these doilies, is amazing. Gorgeous! So neat. What is you fabric you use?

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 25 Feb 2020

It's the first time that I'm using this fabric. It's a beautiful, expensive cotton fabric that I bought about twenty years ago to make a tablecloth...... it never happened.. I thought what if I use it to make a doily? I'm happy I did. Not only it's nice and strong but It's easy to iron and I love that! Thanks, Toogie.
Hugs, Lidia

by sdrise 24 Feb 2020

Stunning as usual you do a beautiful job. Love it

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 24 Feb 2020

Thank you Suzanne.
Hugs, Lidia

by dragonflyer 24 Feb 2020

Beautiful...Love the purple trim...

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 24 Feb 2020

I's called Mauve and I love it too.Thanks Kim.
Hugs, Lidia

by noah 24 Feb 2020

Awesome love it for sure is that a violet edging? Love love love it do u need my address??lol hugs

1 comment
lidiad by lidiad 24 Feb 2020

That colour is called Mauve and I like it. Thank you Carolyn.
Hugs, Lidia