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by aussiequilter ( edited 01 Mar 2020 ) 01 Mar 2020

just popping in for a quick hello ,life is very busy looking after Trevor after his stroke , he is doing well ,although lots of Drs appointments and physio . I don't get much time to myself .It was discovered he has a cancer on his eye which was removed last Friday he has 2 lots of drops plus Chemo eye drops 3 times a day. this need to happen for 2 weeks with a 2 week break for 3 courses so about 3 months . Then after a visit to our local Dr another cancer was found on the side of his nose ,he has a biopsy on that this Tuesday.Thank you for all your prayers we really feel them Love Monika


by cfidl 02 Mar 2020

Prayers coming your way. May you feel love and be comforted during this time.

by mops Moderator 01 Mar 2020

Thanks for the update.I can understand that you have little or no time for yourself, try to make some as it keeps you healthy.
My husband had a stroke 30 September (is quite alright now) and I know first hand how much time is spent driving up and down to therapy and other appointments. And you have to care for more than that.
Wishing you and your hubby all the best!

by asterixsew Moderator 01 Mar 2020

Thanks for the update. I can understand why there is little time for yourself. You are doing a excellent job caring for your husband but take care of yourself too.

by lbrow 01 Mar 2020

Prayers continue Monica. I know how difficult Home Care can be.

by dragonflyer 01 Mar 2020

Glad you could pop in with an update, Monika...and glad Trevor is doing better...sorry to hear about the cancers... Holding thoughts and prayers for you both.

by graceandham 01 Mar 2020

Lots more work for you, but glad they were so thorough. Continuing with you in prayer. Take care of your nutrition and sleep so you don't wear out.

by crafter2243 Moderator 01 Mar 2020

Will keep you and Trevor in my prayers. You have a lot to deal with. Hugs

by sdrise 01 Mar 2020

Prayers are coming your way and his still.

by jrob Moderator 01 Mar 2020

Monika, continuing prayers for you both. That's a lot of procedures to go through. I'm glad that he has you to be his rock.

by pennifold 01 Mar 2020

Hi Monika, I’m so sorry that Trev’s had to go through so many medical procedures in such a short period of time. Please be assured of my love and prayers. Love Chris

by mrskiki 01 Mar 2020

Keeping you both in my prayers. Hugs. Nan