by eyeztodiefor10 05 Apr 2020

Hello everyone! I'm just checking in to see how my Cute sisters are holding up. Here in central NY state, we are doing ok. I wish the weather was warmer so I could at least go outside for more than a few minutes. I am so looking forward to start digging in the gardens but it has to warm up first. I am quite sick of looking at these 4 walls inside but there is no choice. I've been sewing masks requested by a nurse in Florida USA. I really hope to finish them soon so I can mail them to her. I really hope and pray you are all healthy during this awful world-changing event. I wonder what the new "normal" will look like at the end of this outbreak. Please, check in and keep us updated as to your part of the world. This is the only time in my 65 years where I feel connected to people everywhere. We are all fighting the same battle. While there are a lot of jerks out there, I see many people reaching out to others in an attempt to make our isolation not so isolated. People are sharing their music, their faith, their artwork, their humor and their love for one another. It is almost like the Christmas spirit that lives in most of us at Christmas time, is spreading just as fast as the virus we are trying to avoid. The world has new heroes, in all the health care workers who sacrifice everything so the rest of us can survive. I am amazed at the number of retired Nurses and Doctors who are stepping up to volunteer their help and talents in the name of humanity. For the first time, it does not matter where you live, what you do, what color your skin is, who you love or how much money you have. We are all the same. May God be with each of you now and through the uncertain times ahead. Maybe our new "normal" won't be so bad after all if we continue to reach out to one another like we do right now.


by mrskiki 06 Apr 2020

Thank you for your prayers and I join in with you praying for the world at this time. Hugs. Nan

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by gerryvb edited 06 Apr 2020

try to be safe and healthy and follow the rules, Love Gerry🙋‍♀️

by marianb 06 Apr 2020

Stay safe it will warm up there soon, I was going to visit your part of the world at the end of May but have delayed our trip until 2021 hopefully all will be well with the world by then. Hugs Marian

by 02kar Moderator 05 Apr 2020

It's so good to hear from you. I agree, we (in Florida) are seeing so many do so much for those around them. It will definitely be a different world when we all emerge from our cocoons. I hope we will continue to spread the love, peace and good works. So many folks will need help for a long time to come. Please stay healthy.

by asterixsew Moderator 05 Apr 2020

Hi Meri and welcome back. Humour is definitely what I am seeing/reading at the moment which is brilliant and also an amazing neighbour who is making sure that we have supplies to keep us going. My older daughter is a nurse and a son in law is in the fire service and both are very busy keeping life going for so many. I am lucky to have a small back garden and its warm enough in the UK to go out and garden. My husband is busy making a vege bed instead of the lawn. I am also busy making scrubs as requested by our local doctors.

by mary51 05 Apr 2020

May God help us! Stay home.