by basketkase 30 Apr 2020

Another working from home design...this one is Home Office #3 and the other one is Snake......the snake was a request........these will be up on my website tonight....

BTW, the snake has an upper and lower fang,but you can't see it cuz I stitched this on white......


by dailylaundry 30 Apr 2020

Really like the work from home ones you have done. Have you done any with guys yet? Hugs!!

basketkase by basketkase 30 Apr 2020

Would you like to see one of the 3 I have done as males?

dailylaundry by dailylaundry 01 May 2020

Yes - I looked on your site but didn't see them!!!

by sonjapotgieter 30 Apr 2020

Lovely Designs!!!

by pennyhal2 30 Apr 2020

Oh my! That snake is so realistic that it is scary! Actually, I can think of several people who'd like to have that design. I had to laugh when I saw where the coffee cup was. One learns the perils of coffee and computers in the same proximity...which can be an unfortunate event. Nice work!