by lbrow 03 Aug 2020

Today has been a long day for me. 3 yrs ago today ,later in the night I lost my beloved husband I never left his side that day as I watched him slowly slip away from me He died at home in his bed and it had been a long fight. I know he is at peace now and have peace myself but that doesn't mean that all the memories and loneliness are gone. Often I will read something and turn to where he sat to share and he is not there, or I fall asleep in my chair and will awaken and think "I must check on Ron" before I remember I don't have him anymore. Simply alone with all these memories tonight and needed to voice how I feel.Thanks for listening Lillian


by asterixsew Moderator 11 Aug 2020

Apologies I havnt replied earlier. The love shown here to you is great. Cute is amazing as there is always someone around the world. I cannot understand exactly what your going through. My aunt always said that it was so difficult after a great day out that her husband wasnt alive anymore to hear what she had been up too. Keep remembering the positives of your long and happy life together.

by darmoola 11 Aug 2020

I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my mom several years ago and when something comes up I still go to the phone to call her. It's so hard to lose someone you love. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.!

by jrob Moderator 05 Aug 2020

Bless your sweet, sweet heart. I have no idea what it is like for you and I'm selfishly grateful, but I do know that I love you dearly and pray for you. You know you can call me anytime. I am a very good listener. Love, Jerrilyn

by gramsbear 05 Aug 2020

Lillian, my thoughts are with you...Praying it will get easier on you as time goes by, but knowing you will still miss him so very much! My DH has been gone for over 7 years and I still cry sometimes at night, cause I miss him so much! Real love is hard to let go...Hugs, Judy...

by sebsews 05 Aug 2020

Dear Ms Lillian, I too reflect on so many memories of my Blackie. You are right about memories and loneliness, they will remain. You are one of the strongest Cuties I know. Ron is your angel and he will always be by your side. Sending prayers and comforting hugs, Suzanna

1 comment
jrob by jrob 05 Aug 2020

Thank you for your encouragement Suzanna as you know what she's living. Hugs for you as well.

by clintonmiss22 04 Aug 2020

So glad you can voice your feelings here with friends. It brought tears to my eyes and an ache in my heart. Hope you feel the hugs and feel the prayers for you.

by rescuer Moderator 04 Aug 2020

My sweet friend, I am sorry you're feeling alone. I know the feeling...thinking he is there but then you realize he is gone. I'll pray for comfort for you. Perhaps Ron is one of your angels--watching over you. When you feel he is there, I believe he really is there. You just can't see him.

by gerryvb 04 Aug 2020

here is a cyber hug for you. I know all lovely memories will stay, and he will always have that special place in your heart. Some days we can feel our lost and loved ones so deeply...... thank you for sharing your feelings with us here. 💕

by pennyhal2 04 Aug 2020

I think losing one's beloved spouse is one of the hardest things in life, and your email brought tears to my eyes. No number of friends can relieve you of the loneliness or fill the comnionship you miss. I don't think that that ever goes away, but sharing your feeling with others helps a little. Please continue to post as all of us want to support you through what you are living through.

by dailylaundry 04 Aug 2020

My heart is breaking for you, Lillian - I know they say that grief is the price of love - but, that pain doesn't go away does it? Talk to your Ron when you want to - I am certain he is listening. Sending you love prayers and many hugs - Laura

by toogie 04 Aug 2020

The greatest comfort for us is when our love ones are saved by our precious Savior, Jesus Christ and he has a place prepared for us, too so we will all meet again.
Sure you miss Ron and especially on this date. We are humans with great love. I know what you mean about doing or thinking about things, then remembering, he is not here anymore. I used to have the phone off the hook, ready or sometimes already dialing my sister in laws number. When I would stop and realize, I felt I must be losing it. We spoke so often that I think it was normal to want to tell her something.
I know you are blessed with great memories of times with Ron. Hang on to those and try not to recall the sadder times, when he was so ill and helpless. Know that you always have a special place in my heart and others hearts, as well. I love you dearly-Toogie

by airyfairy 04 Aug 2020

Thank you for your post. Most uplifting. You are a very special lady Lillian. Cyber hugs 🤗

by kustomkuddle 04 Aug 2020

Oh Ms. Lillian. I wish I could climb through this computer and give you a hug. Know that many are sending hugs and prayers you way. The ache of losing someone never truly goes away. Our memories are ways to keep us going. Does anyone remember the old comedy "Sanford and Son?" I used to laugh at him for always talking to his beloved in heaven. As I've gotten older, I find myself doing the same thing, talking to my dad or my sister. Embrace those moments that you want to share things with DH. Sending lots of love your way.

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jrob by jrob 05 Aug 2020

It's the big one Elizabeth!

by pennifold 04 Aug 2020

As we remember our loved ones on those special dates it's such a lovely feeling. It would have been Dad's 88th birthday 23rd July and of course as you know his name was Ron too. I pray for him and my family every night and of course my Cute family. You are never far away from my thoughts Miss Lillian and I, like Betsey, Angie and Marg wish I could give you a hug and share in your memories. Love Chris

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lbrow by lbrow 04 Aug 2020

Thank you Chris,I too pray always for this wonderful Cute Family for you all truly are family.

by 02kar Moderator 04 Aug 2020

I'm glad you shared your feelings with us. It is so hard when your life as you know it, changes overnight. I know Ron would be so pleased to see you carry on as you have. You are an amazing woman who has been married to an amazing man and these lifelong feeling remain with us. Now take a moment to feel those cyber hugs being wrapped around you and know you are not alone.

lbrow by lbrow 04 Aug 2020

Thank you Dear quiet,calm Karen. You always know what to say to encourage others. A kind and loving friend.

airyfairy by airyfairy 04 Aug 2020

I totally agree. Karen always knows what to say to encourage.

by graceandham 04 Aug 2020

You were on my heart last night as I called another Cute sister to check on her. I know any day can be hard, but especially those marking days. God blessed you with many years with a fine man and I saw that the day we met! Sit with your sweet memories.

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lbrow by lbrow 04 Aug 2020

Ahh my dear Betsey. There you were for the first time at the funeral, what a blessing it was to meet you for those brief moments and then again at a later time when we really had time to sit and talk. Come back again. I love you

by crafter2243 Moderator 04 Aug 2020

Dearest Miss Lillian. It is always those special days that make us sad. I often wonder how my husband would like the changes in my life. In 2 days it will be 15 years since he has been gone. I remember those first years feeling exactly like you do now. I know you miss him terribly. Wish I could give you a big hug and you telling me some happy or funny stories you and Ron shared. HUGS

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lbrow by lbrow 04 Aug 2020

Oh Angie, I think of you each day and of the other Cuties as I see my quilt hanging behind my bed. You are all with me daily and will never know how much you mean to me. Cyber Hugs there are for you all world wide.

by mranderson 04 Aug 2020

I hear you Lillian and know the feeling although I still have my husband I have lost a lot of family over the years and miss them dearly. Sending you a very big Cyber hug.....Marg

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lbrow by lbrow 04 Aug 2020

Thank you Marg