by pennyhal 15 Aug 2020

I hate computer problems. To make a long story short, ended up with all 4 of my computers not working at the same time. So, I took my laptop into Best Buy's Geek Squad so I'd have access sooner rather than later. I get my laptop back and they had removed 5 of my programs and added 21 new things to it. I went ballistic. In the meantime, I did have one of my computers backed up on an external hard drive that I could plug into my laptop and a couple of weeks later of trying to get online, I finally succeeded. I have some access to the web. I do have someone who I trust to fix computers coming, but he was booked for 3 weeks. So, I haven't been online much. I have a love/hate relationship with computers...but right now it is not l love.


by sdrise 16 Aug 2020

They are great when they work Just like cars.. I can feel your pain.. Nice to have you back on line though... Suzanne

by dragonflyer 16 Aug 2020

I think we all feel your pain....I hope things get sorted out and back to your "normal" soon....

by 02kar Moderator 16 Aug 2020

You have my empathy with computers and their issues. I also had a bad experience with Geek Squad messing and not fixing my computer. I'm so glad you had a back up. We can't have too many back ups in my opinion. Hopefully it won't be too much longer before you are back to loving technology.

by airyfairy 16 Aug 2020

I think we all feel exactly same. Two weeks ago my email gave up. That was fixed and with a power outage my modem went as well. Thank goodness I am up and running again. I hope you start to love your computer soon.

by shirley124 15 Aug 2020

Hope you will soon have all computers up and running. Hugs

by asterixsew Moderator 15 Aug 2020

Computers... its taken 6 hours today for my laptop to sort itself out with the latest Windows 10 upgrade. I think I too would have gone ballistic if someone removed stuff and added extra bits and pieces. Being retired now I no longer have access to computer geeks with all the know how and advice plus the latest terminology through work. I miss the help and information. All I can say I know how you feel and Good Luck.

by crafter2243 Moderator 15 Aug 2020

I would have gone ballistic too. What 21 things did they add to your laptop? Did they give you a reason why they removed the 5 programs? It just proves how important it is to do backups. I am glad you had one. I think we all feel the love/hate relationship with technology. Every time I get used too a version of Windows they have an update and I have to find my way around. I do not like the invasion of privacy yet I could not get around without the GPS. I also remember the times when I wanted to make a phone call to my family in Europe. Had to make an appointment with the operator. When the bill came you almost had to empty your savings account. Now with Skype and WhatsApp it is so easy. Definitely a Love/Hate relationship. I hope your trusted computer person will have you up and running soon.