by irenewayne 16 Sep 2020

I have just voted again on black cat #3. Have been voting everyday & noticed today it only had 2 votes. Yesterday there was 15 . Anyone know why also #6 has been up for over a week & #3 was only up for a few hours. What's happening here?


by crafter2243 Moderator 16 Sep 2020

By now you must know that every day the vote starts at 0 again. The other issue is totally up to Miss Veronika, how long and how often she gives something for free and we should be grateful for whatever she gifts us.

1 comment
irenewayne by irenewayne 17 Sep 2020

I didn't know the votes started again each day so thanks for that info. & I am grateful for the freebies especially cats as I love them. LOL