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by asterixsew Moderator ( edited 19 Oct 2020 ) 19 Oct 2020

Just having a interesting conversation with my husband. He thinks that my bicycle needs new wheels and I am thinking that a magnetic frame for my new machine. Any good ideas for my reasons for my choice will be gratefully received.


by mops Moderator 20 Oct 2020

could you suggest a new hoop and just new tyres, the wheels being good enough for a lot more miles.

by airyfairy 20 Oct 2020

Ah, that is a bit of a problem Caroline. Your safety comes first, so I would suggest that the wheels (his idea) come first and then your hoop for a Christmas present.

by crafter2243 Moderator 20 Oct 2020

How about asking for a early Christmas present because hooping is so hard on your hands. You are willing to wait a bit longer for the wheels on your bicycle. Good luck 😊😊😊

by hightechgrammy 19 Oct 2020

The whole key to this is you need to make him think it's his idea. Present the problem in a way, he is the only one who can solve it. Always choose whatever makes you happier. Something for sewing - no question. Maybe you "need" both. You could sigh and say something like, "I'll guess I just have to wait for Christmas, or Mother's Day. or

1 comment
hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 19 Oct 2020

I have to admit it, my husband spoils me rotten. I'd go for both!

by toogie 19 Oct 2020

Now I know how you enjoy your rides, but I also know you want to get back into your embroidering....hard choice, so I’m no help. Get one now and the other for Christmas! It’s not far away

by shirley124 19 Oct 2020

Tell him why not both. But if you have to choose go with the new hoop. Hugs

by dailylaundry 19 Oct 2020

My opinion is - you would without a doubt use new frames more than new wheels. You could tell him, you have many friends who agree with you! Let us know!!

by lbrow 19 Oct 2020

New Hoop by all means.

by dragonflyer 19 Oct 2020

Well, my DH always says "If you're not happy, nobody is happy." I say you must get the new magnetic when the wheels fall off your bicycle, you will HAVE to get new wheels....

1 comment
hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 19 Oct 2020

I love your reasoning!

by graceandham 19 Oct 2020

Does he want you happy in the house, or out of the house?

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 19 Oct 2020


asterixsew by asterixsew 20 Oct 2020


by 02kar Moderator 19 Oct 2020

Hmm, I know I would use a new hoop more often than new wheels. I hope you get your wish.