by toogie 03 Nov 2020

Hello Cuties, but especially Americans today.

Please God, move in all people's hearts and minds, so they may be civil people, when all the results are in. Whatever the outcome, we will continue to trust in You. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

google or copy & Paste in a new tab:
Lauren Daigle-Trust in You


by sdrise 04 Nov 2020

Thank you Toogie!! We all need the prayers... Yes I voted too... But no matter who wins someone will be disappointed... Hopefully they will not act with the violence we have seen for the last few months. I pray for peace too. Be safe everyone!

by 02kar Moderator 03 Nov 2020

Thanks I've been praying on and off all day today and will continue. I'm so very worried about violence so everyone around the world, be be safe. And yes, I have voted.

by sharonleekesner 03 Nov 2020

Very good Toogie, I've been praying for this also.

by AuntAnnie 03 Nov 2020

Use your voice--VOTE!!!