by crafter2243 26 Nov 2020

I had all those upholstery sample materials, so to help my friend with her Christmas gifts, I sewed these little bags on the sewing machine and did the matching USP/Lipstick/Chapstick holders as a ITH


by airyfairy 02 Dec 2020

Lovely gifts and so useful

by basketkase 30 Nov 2020

These are great little gifts.....bless you for helping out your friend!

by sonjapotgieter 29 Nov 2020

Love It!!!!Stunning well done

by peafarm 28 Nov 2020

I was so interested in this project as our extension office in out county has a huge box of upholstery swatches a friend was throwing out and I said, no, take them up there to the closet. I always try to think of something useful and not be wasteful. These are so nice.

by carolpountney 28 Nov 2020

very nice the fabric is gorgeous

by pennyhal2 28 Nov 2020

Those are terrific! Great use of sample fabrics, especially these as they are so sturdy and will wear well.

by cj2sew 27 Nov 2020

I willing to bet your friend was tickled pink to see your handiwork.
I love the sunflower one best.

by noah 27 Nov 2020

I love the sunflower set best but there all lovely:):)

by mops Moderator 27 Nov 2020

What lovely samples and what great gifts you made of them!

by dragonflyer 27 Nov 2020

Very nice sets...the recipients will be thrilled to get these...and I know your friend will love to be able to gift them.

by gerryvb 27 Nov 2020

what a lovely gifts !!! There will be a lot of lucky persons with these , Great !

by marianb 27 Nov 2020

Very nice use of fabric samples, will be appreciated.

by toogie 26 Nov 2020

It looks like y’all had a productive week. Nice sets, they turned out to be, too.

by dailylaundry 26 Nov 2020

Angie, these are simply lovely!!! You are a wonderful friend!!

by pennifold 26 Nov 2020

Beautiful work Angie, lovely range of fabrics too. Love Chris

by 02kar Moderator 26 Nov 2020

What a nice gift to give and to receive! You 2 have been very productive.

by asterixsew Moderator 26 Nov 2020

Gosh you have been busy and what a great way of using small sample fabrics

by 4evertwa 26 Nov 2020

Very nice work! Recipients will be thrilled!