by blueeyedblonde 28 Nov 2020

Just finished these two for a fun anniversary gift!


by ewaileon1 29 Nov 2020


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blueeyedblonde by blueeyedblonde 02 Dec 2020


by missqueenbee47 29 Nov 2020

so cute

1 comment
blueeyedblonde by blueeyedblonde 02 Dec 2020


by noah 29 Nov 2020

Wow these stitched out great Are they right on the toilet paper ??Love them:):)

1 comment
blueeyedblonde by blueeyedblonde 02 Dec 2020

Thanks, Carolyn! Yes, I did this right on the roll.

by pennyhal2 29 Nov 2020

These are fabulous stitchouts! I used to stitch on TP, but the paper would shred too much. Guess I should have used a different brand. I'd sell them for $5. But, now, I think I'd stitch on felt so that the design can be taken off and used again.

1 comment
blueeyedblonde by blueeyedblonde 02 Dec 2020

Thanks! Actually, what some do is rip enough squares to be able to roll it around and use a pin to hold it and even have more than one embroidered section for each season or whatever!

by dailylaundry 29 Nov 2020

These are great!! Whoever receives them will be pleased!! Hugs, Laura

1 comment
blueeyedblonde by blueeyedblonde 02 Dec 2020

They already have them and love them! And have shown them to someone else.

by crafter2243 Moderator 29 Nov 2020

Nicely done. It always amazes me when I see embroidery on toilet paper. Great fun gift

1 comment
blueeyedblonde by blueeyedblonde 02 Dec 2020

And suprisingly, it's easier than you think!

by 02kar Moderator 29 Nov 2020

These would dress up any bathroom. Well done

1 comment
blueeyedblonde by blueeyedblonde 02 Dec 2020


by jenne 29 Nov 2020

Love the sail boat.

1 comment
blueeyedblonde by blueeyedblonde 02 Dec 2020


by sonjapotgieter 29 Nov 2020

That is sooo Beautiful!!!Well done

1 comment
blueeyedblonde by blueeyedblonde 29 Nov 2020


by pennifold edited 29 Nov 2020

Great work. I’ve never tried sewing on toilet paper. Is. it difficult? Love Chris ❤️👵🏻

1 comment
blueeyedblonde by blueeyedblonde 29 Nov 2020

Actually it is real easy and very forgiving. Make a mistake, just rip it off and start over - this helps when your machine decides to hiccup! Lol

by cj2sew 28 Nov 2020

Love the boat especially

1 comment
blueeyedblonde by blueeyedblonde 29 Nov 2020

Thank you!

by asterixsew Moderator 28 Nov 2020

These are lovely

1 comment
blueeyedblonde by blueeyedblonde 29 Nov 2020


by peafarm 28 Nov 2020

Fun project. I made my sister a monogrammed one for her bathroom but she ran out of toilet paper and used the roll!!! Why could she have not gone to the store for more, she is out everyday and lives near lots of stores. I don't or won't do that anymore---it was a beautiful monogram and thought the design would dress up her bathroom. I hope these are treasures as well as a bit of humor. Great job.

blueeyedblonde by blueeyedblonde 29 Nov 2020

Too bad she didn't take off the monogrammed part plus a few extra squares and keep it and put it on a new roll.

jenne by jenne 29 Nov 2020

yes, that is what I have done after Christmas was over.

peafarm by peafarm 30 Nov 2020

It wasn't even a Christmas monogram. Just a large beautiful last name single monogram with a flower in it. I thought it was gorgeous and I'd have kept even that sheet of it. I never heard word about it again. Some people don't keep things as momento's. I think things people make for us that are special are to be treasured---that's just me though.

by worthy 28 Nov 2020

Well done. Lovely designs.

1 comment
blueeyedblonde by blueeyedblonde 29 Nov 2020

Thank you!