by basketkase 03 Dec 2020

Here is another Fairy Garden #8 this time.....I only have a couple of these left to do, but they are so intense with the outlining that I have to rest my hand in between them...The other design is called Silently and I stitched this on a sweatshirt for Andi....I know she will love it! Both of these designs will be up on my website tonight.......


by sonjapotgieter 04 Dec 2020

Such a Beaut!!!Gorgeous!!!

by noah 03 Dec 2020

Wow how true is this lol hugsxx

by 02kar Moderator 03 Dec 2020

I love both designs. Now rest that hand. Be kind to it please.

by babolucia 03 Dec 2020

So adorable!

by pennifold 03 Dec 2020

Such pretty work Vicki. Keep well and I pray you don’t overdo things. Love cho