In my granny gown or what ever I happen to have on, The house work will be there when I get finished it will wait, I will say I Like my bed made before I start any project.
Hmmm, I must be a mutant. I think I sew just fine with my kitchen needing attention, wearing a tee shirt, stretchy pants and socks.
Oh doesn't every one wear full evening dress and stiletto heels to sew in. Perhaps thats where I'm going wrong and the housework always comes first. Ha ha. You decide
My first response is, how urgent can a household chore be?
I saw this last week and had a good chuckle. Sewing sometimes comes before housework and sometimes in my jammies!!!!!
Heck no. Right now I might not even get out of my PJ's. If I would have read that before my love for sewing kicked in, i probably would have never started. 😊😊😊
Reminds me of the family I worked for as a teenager. The wife told me she always got out of bed an hour before her husband to make sure her hair was done and make up on before he woke up.
I am afraid I dress for comfort when sewing and have been know to sew in nighty if trying to get something finished. If I had to look very proper all the time I would never get any sewing done.
LoL, when translating I thought I wasn't reading really - LOL, I'm another generation, out of bed, cooking coffee, putting on comfortable things and getting on the machine, holding the cats in a mood and keeping nerve food ready for me... . have all a beautiful second advent, hugs Maria