by basketkase 07 Dec 2020

Well guys and gals, these may be my only designs for my website this week.....I have 155 beanie hats to do as seen in the last pic.......I have 1 week to get them done.....these designs that will go up on my website by tonight are Christmas Chirp, Christmas Dragon2 and Christmas Innocence........I love the all!!


by sonjapotgieter 08 Dec 2020

Lots of work to do!!1Gorgeous!!!

by pennyhal2 07 Dec 2020

Yikes! That dragon look fierce! But, that little bird warmed my heart. Is there a story behind that design on that cap? I'm impressed that your designs always look so flat, especially on such stretchy material. That's a big order! Try to take time to relax. I can visualize you having and assembly line with all those hats taking their turn to be in the machine! I'm glad that you are taking some time to just focus on getting them done.

basketkase by basketkase 07 Dec 2020

Yep, let the assembly line begin....I turn about a dozen inside out first, then insert my stabilizer and then they are ready to stitch.....on these I did 2 layers of underlayment going at different angles and then I didn't have to do a knockdown stitch....I don't know what the symbol means, it is a machining company...

pennyhal2 by pennyhal2 08 Dec 2020

Thanks for the extra info! The underlayment sure did its job well!

by 02kar Moderator 07 Dec 2020

Oh my, That's intimidating to me to have such a large number to do. So much for you being able to rest and heal. I think you can be forgiven for being able to a few designs for the website. They are cute too.

1 comment
basketkase by basketkase 07 Dec 2020
