by justsew 20 Dec 2020

From Sue Dewsbury site, Engineered in Stitchers, iv made this carry cot for my Great Granddaughter, I made the rabbit some time ago.from another sit iv enjoyed making them both and the take off clothes, it made a change to do something different.


by pennifold 21 Dec 2020

Great work Pam and Sue is such a great person to do all she does for the Hospice. That was where her friend "Scottie" was looked after during her illness. Love Chris

by stock 21 Dec 2020

lovely set..wendy

by toogie 21 Dec 2020

You've made a very sweet set for your little great grand daughter. I love the little pink dress.

by sonjapotgieter 20 Dec 2020

Stunning carry cot you done!!!Great projects completed!!!Stunning!!!

by dragonflyer 20 Dec 2020

Great job...this will be one happy little girl!!

by 02kar Moderator 20 Dec 2020

Sue is amazing! What a beautiful collection to make up a complete gift for your very fortunate great granddaughter. I know she will love each item.

by jenne 20 Dec 2020

These are neat, great work.

by noah 20 Dec 2020

Awesome job Merry Christmas xx

1 comment
justsew by justsew 21 Dec 2020

Thank you Caroline, and the same to you .

by asterixsew Moderator 20 Dec 2020

Lucky little girl to receive this great gift. Sue creates some super designs and the way she has chosen to share them is brilliant. Engineered in Stitches on Facebook and donating to her local hospice has provided the hospice with funds as people ‘donate’ for the designs, have enjoyment in creating the designs and then the recipients of the completed work. Everyone has gained.

1 comment
justsew by justsew 20 Dec 2020

Yes it is such a wonderful thing she does. Thank you for your kind words. X