by mariagiannina 24 Dec 2020

Wishing all cuties everywhere a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from a very hot FNQ.

Can't wait to see the end of 2020, let's hope 2021 is much better for us all.
Mary C.


by babash 24 Dec 2020

Merry Christmas from Brisbane Queensland. I feel for the ones who had their plans cancelled because of border closures. Try to make the best of what you have and stay safe.

by taydc 24 Dec 2020

ditto from me, we tried to do some work in the paddock but gave up by
10am and that was too long.

by pennifold 24 Dec 2020

Hi Mary, whilst we down here in Newcastle are expecting rain tomorrow (Christmas Day), you are experiencing a hot Queensland. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas spent with your loved ones. Love Chris

by asterixsew Moderator 24 Dec 2020

Happy Christmas and to a hopefully better 2021 from a cold but sunny day in Wales, UK

by 02kar Moderator 24 Dec 2020

Thanks and a very Merry Christmas to you and your family. My prayers include my hopes for a safe, a better and a happier 2021.