by redhotrn65 25 Dec 2020

Anyone else able to get onto designs by sick? If and when I do then im immediately kicked off...uuggghh! lol..this is aggrevating! But am very grateful for the freebies!!!!!


by dragonflyer 27 Dec 2020

I just logged on no problems.... only 30 people on line...

1 comment
AuntAnnie by AuntAnnie 27 Dec 2020

Sure, now that all of the design sets are no longer free!

by mooie24 27 Dec 2020

I had a quick look. ... but to be honest I am very fortunate to now have a lot of designs weather free or paid, also digitized by myself.. so I have now got very fussy as to whom I download freebies from .... I have several designers whose work I just absolutely adore and admire,

Big hugs from London xx

by killiecrankie 26 Dec 2020

I got kicked off a few times .At first it was limited to 80 users & I was 81 Hours later it was 70 users & last night it was 60 users & off course I was always one or two over even though I had just down loaded a design & was trying to downloaded another.
In Australia we are 16 hours ahead of New York time ,so trying to down load designs after 9pm our time made it slightly easier.

by sewtired 26 Dec 2020

It just took a great deal of patience, I occupied myself with something else and just kept reloading the page until I was able to get in. Of course that advice does no good at the moment as the sale is over, but maybe he'll do it again for New Years.

by gerryvb 26 Dec 2020

i tried on different times, and went back with the arrows, and was able to DL some nice sets. I hink it's a very generous to give the possibillity a wonderful Christmas gift.

by loriziegler 25 Dec 2020

This was so generous of them! I tried and tried to get some but first it said 60 and 65 were on so I tried again an hour later and it said 50 and 57 were on so now I just tried again and it says 70 and 72 on our so I am out of luck!

by graceandham 25 Dec 2020

Okay, once you're in and it kicks you and says more than 60 there, use your back arrow and select your set again, and try again. I got about 17 sets in 90 minutes. Depends on how much you want them. Take only the prettiest, so you'll still be a nice person when you're finished.

by orangetiger 25 Dec 2020

I got on extremely early this AM between midnight and 3 AM. Couldn't sleep so it worked out to get the designs. It was difficult to get the "good" ones even then.

by graceandham 25 Dec 2020

Tried and failed eight times. Maybe at 4 am.

by crafter2243 Moderator 25 Dec 2020

This is funny. I tried it and it said
Sorry, limited to 60 people online at a time, currently at 62. You may want to try later.

1 comment
rachap by rachap 26 Dec 2020

I got that same message every time and finally gave up!

by mrskiki 25 Dec 2020

Their server can only handle so many on at one time. Be patient.