by basketkase 21 Jan 2021

Here we have Chicken Nugget #1&2....I love these...of course you can always leave the words off the design.... both of these will be up on my website tonight......


by pennyhal2 22 Jan 2021

Those eyes really give them character! Of course, the "nugget" part makes me think of eating chicken nuggets!

by stork 22 Jan 2021

Lol!!! These are so funny and cute! I used to raise 300 plus broilers, 3 times a year for quite a few years. They do all have different personalities!

by noah 21 Jan 2021

I am terrified of real chickens As a kid my uncles chased me everywhere .The only good chicken is in my freezer lol

by sonjapotgieter 21 Jan 2021

They are so cute!!!Fantastic designs