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by sdrise ( edited 04 Feb 2021 ) 03 Feb 2021

UPDATE 2/4/21

HI Cuties!! I heard from Karen's hubby that Karen developed lung issues and is in serious condition...Please pray for her recovery from COVID. She did not sound good when I talked to her the other day. I am so worried about her getting through all this. My heart is breaking for them. HUGS Suzanne


by cfidl 04 Feb 2021

prayers continue for her.

by osueo 04 Feb 2021

Praying for complete recovery from COVID---I have a cousin in Tulsa who is a pastor, in his very early 40's with a wife and 4 children, in very serious condition from COVID. That stuff is real---PLEASE wear your masks and social distance---Hearing about Karen and hearing about my cousin and so many others suffering from COVID----IT IS REAL...And pray for the caregivers and family who can't be near their loved ones and for the first responders and health care workers for strength to get through this PANDEMIC----pray for peace and healing and comfort and relief----JESUS IS THE GREAT HEALER!!!!!!!!!

by lbrow 04 Feb 2021

She is in my prayers, and God Bless all who have had to deal with all this.

by sdrise 04 Feb 2021

UPDATE 2/4/21
I spoke to Karen last night.. To me she sounded a little bit better. She is still very weak and winded. Her pneumonia is a bit better too. She is on oxygen all the time. Karen's oxygen level is still low... She sounded upbeat which is encouraging. Please continue to pray for her recovery. Hugs Suzanne

crafter2243 by crafter2243 04 Feb 2021

Will continue praying. It sounds encouraging.

dailylaundry by dailylaundry 04 Feb 2021

Thank you for this update - I have been so wondering how she is doing today - continuing prayers for Karen and her Hubby!!

stork by stork 04 Feb 2021

Thank you for letting us know a bit more. Prayers do work so we need to keep lifting her up to the Lord!

toogie by toogie 04 Feb 2021

Yes,we do

rescuer by rescuer 04 Feb 2021

Sending love to Karen and continued prayers

by pennifold 04 Feb 2021

Oh! Suzanne, I am so sorry I've only just seen this post and it's midnight here in Australia (Thursday 4th Feb) as I reply. I do pray fervently that Karen with the help of all who are working on her and with her will come through this. It's such a dreadful virus and affects each person differently. I pray that she gets through this.
I feel so helpless down here in Australia and wish her all the best. Please let her know that I am praying for her and her handsome hubby and family. Love and hugs to her. Love Chris

1 comment
sdrise by sdrise 04 Feb 2021

Beautiful Prayer!

by hightechgrammy 04 Feb 2021

OH my, Prayers, prayers prayers for Karen!

by clintonmiss22 03 Feb 2021

Continuing to pray for Karen! Her sweet spirit is always so helpful to others. I pray she fights this with all her strength.
My SIL tested positive on Friday. He is isolating, but all of his family now has to quarantine, too. Such an unpredictable virus!

by rescuer Moderator 03 Feb 2021


by sebsews 03 Feb 2021

Prayers prayers prayers more prayers for Karen !

by pcteddyb 03 Feb 2021

Thank you for letting us know - only good thoughts!

by dragonflyer 03 Feb 2021

So heartbreaking to hear this...thoughts with Karen and family...

by theduchess 03 Feb 2021

So sad to see this post. I'm praying for Karen. Let's think positive.
Lost my niece in July, But I have stayed inside. Hoping everything will get better.

1 comment
sharonleekesner by sharonleekesner 04 Feb 2021

I am so sorry for the loss of your niece. God Bless and comfort you.

by toogie 03 Feb 2021

I am so sad to hear this. It’s such an unpredictable virus, as how it may effect each person and how they will respond to treatment, as well. Praying God will heal and strengthen our friend Karen, whom we all love.

by sewtired 03 Feb 2021

I don't really know Karen and yet this brings tears to my eyes. Prayers for her and hubby and all who are suffering.

by dailylaundry 03 Feb 2021

TTT (To The Top) - so, no one misses this.

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by crafter2243 Moderator edited 03 Feb 2021

First Thank you for keeping us informed. Honestly I do not have the words the way I feel right now. All we can do is pray and sending loving thoughts to our friend.

by dailylaundry 03 Feb 2021

Faith, not fear is what Karen has told me in the past. She is in my thoughts and prayers constantly. Also, prayers for her hubby and the dedicated people helping her. Lets lift her up in prayers today. Thank you Suzanne for keeping us informed, we all appreciate it. Hugs, Laura

by graceandham 03 Feb 2021

Thanks for checking. Please send our love any time you speak to him. Praying with the crew.