by pennifold 08 Feb 2021

Hi Cuties, I’ve finished all the tiles on my Santa hanging. Now comes the hard path of sewing them all together. Wish me luck. I’ll try and do some this week.

I think we’re off to the Hunter valley this weekend to our best friend’s place to help with the grape picking harvest. Love Chris


by sharonleekesner 17 Feb 2021

I like your improvement and I have a question. On the buckle, did the instructions have the wrong color listed for the upper panel of the buckle or was it an oversite? I am not asking to be critical I want to watch out for this if and when I do one. Right now I have the Starry Night.

pennifold by pennifold 18 Feb 2021

Hi Sharon, I asked myself the same question Sharon, I think it was my oversight, but I did it twice, so I doubted my selection.

I actually bought all the threads for this design so I had them all lined up for each tile. I may have stopped and started and then thought I'd done it, so just make sure you keep an eye on the thread number. I notice in Starry night Santa doesn't have any gold on his belt.

"dday" did "Starry Night" and she was the one that convinced me to try "Enchanted Santa". Love Chris

sharonleekesner by sharonleekesner 19 Feb 2021

Thank you so much for replying, I will definately keep an eye out for what doesn't look right. I think keeping the picture of the finished project might help me, along with all your tips.

by oaro 14 Feb 2021

This will look beautiful Christmas wall hanger absolute beautiful like all ways Maria

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 14 Feb 2021

Thanks Maria, I hope it will be gorgeous when finished. Love Chris

by robertahilde 12 Feb 2021

A work of art!
I too admire your skill and patience and look forward to seeing it finished. Hugs Roberta

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 13 Feb 2021

Grazie Roberta, I appreciate your comments. I can't wait either, but I'm redoing 2 tiles that I'm not happy with. Love Chris

by lindamb 10 Feb 2021

Sure is beautiful. Can't wait to see it all done.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 11 Feb 2021

Hi Linda, me too. I'm hoping to start sewing it together soon. Love Chris

by mariagiannina 10 Feb 2021

Looks absolutely gorgeous Chris!

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 10 Feb 2021

Thanks so much Mary, love Chris

by hightechgrammy 09 Feb 2021

Chris, this is absolutely intriguing! I have never tried doing anything like this! Great job!

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 10 Feb 2021

Thanks Jan, yes, I agree. You should give it a go, it's very easy, just time consuming. Love Chris

by brendalea 09 Feb 2021

Looking good. Now it just has to go together. Happy Stitching :-)

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 10 Feb 2021

Hi Brenda, yes, that's my next step. Love Chris

by pennyhal2 09 Feb 2021

Your stitching skills are so perfect that I think you'll be able to complete this project! How big will it be when it's done? How do you plan to preserve it?

pennifold by pennifold 09 Feb 2021

Hi Penny, thank you so much and it's going to be about 33x26 inches. I've been asked by the family to make it a wall hanging. When not in use it will be put away in one of my containers which hold all my Christmas paraphernalia. Love Chris

pennyhal2 by pennyhal2 10 Feb 2021

Have you considered using a protectant like Scotch Guard to keep the dust off of it. They have a product that protects from sun fading too. I've used it on a white/orange/green/purple fabric that's on a chair that sits directly in sunlight and it's not fading. I don't think you have to worry about the poly thread, but the black seems to fade fast in my house.

by sewpam 09 Feb 2021

Absolutely gorgeous!!!

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 09 Feb 2021

Thanks so much Pam, I agree with you. Love Chris

by sonjapotgieter 09 Feb 2021

Wow!!!This Looks Stunning..Going to be a Master piece for sure!!!Great work you doing!!!!

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 09 Feb 2021

Thanks Sonja, yes, I hope so. Love Chris

by jenne 09 Feb 2021

I can never make my self take the time is takes to embroidery out something like this , great work.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 09 Feb 2021

You do such beautiful work on your jackets Jenne. I'm lucky that I can do this all day if needed, as I'm fully retired. Just have school runs etc. in the afternoon. Love Chris

by stork 09 Feb 2021

WOW! This looks wonderful. Did you keep track of the hours it took?

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 09 Feb 2021

Hi Tonya, no I didn't, but it's been hours and hours and so much thread and I lost count of how many bobbins I used up. Thanks for commenting, love Chris

by wellsa 09 Feb 2021

Admirable work !!! You have a wonderful talent !

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 09 Feb 2021

Thanks so much, it's the digitisers who have the talent, I just sew them out, but I thank you anyway. Love Chris

by bielie 09 Feb 2021

That is just stunning. Admire you for taking on such a huge project, but must make you very proud. Beautiful.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 09 Feb 2021

Thanks so much Lynette, I am thrilled with it and yes it does make me proud! Love Chris

by lidiad 09 Feb 2021

Wow, it looks wonderful and spectacular, you are so good and so patient
Congratulations, Chris!
Hugs, Lidia

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 09 Feb 2021

Thanks so much Lidia, I appreciate that coming from you as your work is always fantastic!!!! Love Chris

by graceandham 08 Feb 2021

Congratulations on completing the stitching on a huge project. Are you going to let him hang year around? I would.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 09 Feb 2021

Hi Betsey, we were only talking about this last night at dinner. I'm not sure I'll keep it up all year, although he is spectacular to look at. Love Chris

by lindamb 08 Feb 2021

SEW Beautiful. Can't wait to see him all done. Have fun

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 09 Feb 2021

Me too Linda, love Chris

by dailylaundry 08 Feb 2021

Absolutely beautiful!! Great job - he's very very handsome! Can't wait to see it complete!

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 09 Feb 2021

I think the same Laura, he's a gorgeous looking Santa. I also can't wait to get it completed. Love Chris

by peafarm 08 Feb 2021

Oh, Santa is so glorious looking. You are sure dedicated to get in to these hard and time consuming designs. My hats off to you. Love it. Grape picking harvest sounds fun and also yummy. Slip one in your mouth for me! lol

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 09 Feb 2021

Thanks Patti, I get a bee in my bonnet and have to finish each project I do. I'll certainly have a few grapes, maybe some vino as well!! Love Chris

by babash 08 Feb 2021

Looking good will be wonderful when completed.
Looks like Grape season all over in Australia my cousin in South Aust gets her first pick this weekend. Not hand picking this is done with a Harvester as it is grapes for Wine.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 09 Feb 2021

Hi Barb, yes, it's harvest time up in the Pokollbin area already and we hope that by this weekend Montvalley wines will be ready - the Semillon is the first to be handpicked and as it's a smaller block the harvester can't manouvre as well as the bigger Chardonnay and Shiraz paddocks.. The rest will be done by harvester. Love Chris

by sewmadau 08 Feb 2021

Looking forward to seeing it finished, from the what I can see it looks spectacular.
Grape picking, that is hard work, mind your back.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 09 Feb 2021

Thanks so much, I'm looking forward to it being finished as well. I'm not picking the grapes thankfully, all the kids do that. Deirdre (the owner's wife) and I get all the breakfast, snacks and lunch prepared! Love Chris

by shirley124 08 Feb 2021

Wow! It's looking good. Looking forward to seeing him finished. Hugs

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 09 Feb 2021

Hi Shirley, he is isn't he? Me too!!! Love Chris

by clintonmiss22 08 Feb 2021

It's going to be beautiful!

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 09 Feb 2021

I certainly hope so Miss Clinton! Love Chris