by crazypatchmama 21 Feb 2021

Sharing another crazypatch potholder. Am hoping to make as many as I can to make use of my scraps. Thanks for looking.


by hightechgrammy 23 Feb 2021

Hi Mary, I love your potholders. How did you make them?

by pennifold 21 Feb 2021

Great use of scraps of material Mary, well done. Love Chris

1 comment
crazypatchmama by crazypatchmama 22 Feb 2021

Thank you, Chris, you are always so encouraging. Please stay safe and know that you and other cutie friends are included in my prayers. Love, mary

by asterixsew Moderator 21 Feb 2021

Beautiful work

1 comment
crazypatchmama by crazypatchmama 22 Feb 2021

Thank you, for your encouragement and for being a moderator all these time. Stay safe. Hugs, Mary

by toogie 21 Feb 2021

They look great! What do you use for batting? What kind?

1 comment
crazypatchmama by crazypatchmama 22 Feb 2021

Thanks Toogie, I use old towels, being a recycle junkie that I am, :-) just using up my crumbs and scraps does not seem to get me anywhere but gives me so much joy, forgetting about things that make me unhappy. I hope you and your family are now doing well, have water and electricity and pipes repaired. I pray for you and my cutie friends all the time. Please stay safe and inspire me to do more. Hugs, Mary