by basketkase 10 Mar 2021

Here's a pic of my new sweatshirt and new is called See Everything and it will be up on my website tonight......The bunny head applique will be the April freebie on my website available on 4-1-21....I used denim because I like the fringies on the edges of the satin stitch.....


by graceandham 12 Mar 2021

I think you should offer alternative lettering that says, "I see everything. That is my superpower."

by noah 10 Mar 2021

cute 4 sure:):)

by 02kar Moderator 10 Mar 2021

Fun designs to make us smile.

by sonjapotgieter 10 Mar 2021

Oh Beautiful!!!!

by pennyhal2 10 Mar 2021

A fish cob mask!!! Very original and funny! Great idea to use denim for the extra fuzzy. I want to try that sometime. Was the denim cut on the straight of grain? or just cut randomly?

1 comment
basketkase by basketkase 10 Mar 2021

It was cut out of a pantleg of an old pair of jeans.......