by basketkase 10 Mar 2021

This is me eating my peanut butter in the kitchen...LOL... This is In The Kitchen #2 and the other one is Lifes Coaster.......both will be up on my website tonight....


by dailylaundry 11 Mar 2021

I love peanut butter!!! Great designs!

by sonjapotgieter 11 Mar 2021

Love it!!Me too.Stunning!!!

by mariagiannina 11 Mar 2021

Love your designs! You're like me - Iove PB straight from the jar!

by noah 10 Mar 2021

lol good ones:):)

by 02kar Moderator 10 Mar 2021

Great designs for our lives. i have to say, I like a 1/2 a bagel with my PB. hehe

1 comment
basketkase by basketkase 10 Mar 2021

This is so me, Karen.....could eat a whole jar with a spoon (but I don't)....bagel is a good pnut butter companion, too!