It's a great table and a very talented daughter.
Kelly husband routed the line out where the ruler is so it is flush with the table top, love that feather.
Iti looks great and don't you enjoy having all that space to the left of the machine!!! It is beautiful!
Yes, and we planed it so I would have some extra space, making it has large as I could and still get through the door .
Congrats - 1 step closer to the perfect sewing room. When I was looking for a table to put my sewing machine on, up popped the table my grandfather had built for her Singer. It doesn't have anything special, in terms of drawers, etc. but fit the space nicely and when I stitch I often think of them both, he at his cabinet ,maker power tools, and she at her sewing machine which she didn't love, and mostly used for necessary mending. I hope using your daughter's table will build your memories of her and love for them both.
Oh yes love it, we plan to make a new computer table soon, plan to do in in white it will make the room brighter. with a cabinet to store stuff I have a lot of stuff.
Lucky you to have such a talented daughter. She did a great job.
Lucky you to have a daughter who can make you a table exactly as you require. Great new machine for the new table
I am blessed, when I started working on cleaning out my sewing area, I never thought I could look as nice and spaces as it does so pleased with it.
That looks very sturdy Jenne, it should last you for years and years. Clever daughter and husband, love Chris