by dragonflyer 28 Mar 2021

Birth Announcement Banner for Baby Stella...I finally got her "specs" from her new Grandma...I designed this quilted banner to hang in her nursery...I digitized the banner to be done totally ITH except for a 2" opening for turning that I blind stitched closed. I used the same little bunny design that I used for the other baby items I sent for the baby shower. I so love pink gingham for baby items...harder to find these days...I think it turned out pretty cute. I made the dowel hanger as well. Thanks for looking, Cuties!


by sebsews 03 Apr 2021

Such a nice gift! Outstanding gift!

by toogie 02 Apr 2021

Very nice and also very genius of you!

by peafarm 30 Mar 2021

Wow, Kim, you really added to everything you made for Stella. That has got to be the loveliest room plus when mama takes her out she as really been accessorized. Great job and love the little hanger also.

by crazypatchmama 30 Mar 2021

What a sweet idea, Kim. This is a sweet memory, will be kept and loved I am sure. Love, Mary

by stork 30 Mar 2021

Wow! This is definitely a keepsake. Love the design and colors you used.

by jenne 30 Mar 2021

looks great,

by pennyhal2 29 Mar 2021

This is a sensational banner that deserves to be keep as a heirloom for the baby!

1 comment
dragonflyer by dragonflyer 29 Mar 2021


by noah 29 Mar 2021

Love it Kim Hugsxxxx

1 comment
dragonflyer by dragonflyer 29 Mar 2021

Thanks, Carolyn...

by sonjapotgieter 29 Mar 2021

So Beautiful and Cute!!!Great work done!!

1 comment
dragonflyer by dragonflyer 29 Mar 2021

Thank you, Sonja....

by sdrise 29 Mar 2021

So Adorable!!! What a treasure ... Great job.....Love it

1 comment
dragonflyer by dragonflyer 29 Mar 2021

Thanks, Suzanne...

by airyfairy 29 Mar 2021

It is so lovely Kim. Gingham is the one material we can usually get here. Just made hubby some shirts, one in pink gingham and one in blue gingham.
Your wall hanger will probably take pride of place in the nursery.

1 comment
dragonflyer by dragonflyer 29 Mar 2021

Thank you, Sarah...wish gingham were more readily available here....

by bemara 29 Mar 2021

Wonderfully arranged, looks just great, a banner on which all will have many years of fun, just great job Kim! Hugs Maria

1 comment
dragonflyer by dragonflyer 29 Mar 2021

Thank you, Maria...

by blueeyedblonde 29 Mar 2021

Really a great job, Kim! Love it!

1 comment
dragonflyer by dragonflyer 29 Mar 2021

Thanks so much....

by graceandham 28 Mar 2021

Beautiful stitchings and arrangements, but I especially like that it is quilted, and has that scalloped edge, and the hearts at the top. One of the prettiest birth announcements I've ever seen.

1 comment
dragonflyer by dragonflyer 29 Mar 2021

Thank you Betsey...

by pennifold 28 Mar 2021

This is so beautiful Kim, you are very clever. The parents will love it. Love Chris

1 comment
dragonflyer by dragonflyer 29 Mar 2021

Thanks so much, Chris...

by dday 28 Mar 2021

Nice work, they will love it!

1 comment
dragonflyer by dragonflyer 29 Mar 2021

Thank you dday...

by babash 28 Mar 2021

The parents will love the banner. You have made a wonderful keepsake for them.

1 comment
dragonflyer by dragonflyer 29 Mar 2021

Thanks, Barb....

by 02kar Moderator 28 Mar 2021

It's the perfect girl look with the pink gingham. Well done indeed.

1 comment
dragonflyer by dragonflyer 29 Mar 2021

Thanks so much Karen

by asterixsew Moderator 28 Mar 2021

This is totally delightful and I’m sure that it will be much loved by the parents. Love the font used for her name. Can’t make out the bottom bit of embroidery - need to get the eyes tested

1 comment
dragonflyer by dragonflyer 28 Mar 2021

Thanks, Caroline...the very bottom itty bitty lettering is just the Love, made by...and I wanted it to be a bit inconspicuous...Not to "jump" out and overshadow the announcement...It is easily read on the actual banner, but not so much in the photo....