by pennifold 01 Apr 2021

Hi Cuties, as of 2 Sundays ago we were informed that my Church Holy Family Anglican Church North Belmont and Holy Name Anglican Church Redhead will be closing down. As you can imagine there were many upset people some who have been there for over 40 years especially at the Redhead church. My Church at Belmont North is only 37 years old.

I will be going back to my old church at Belmont which is called All Saints, I'm not sure when I will be leaving, but will inform you once I do.
So that night I had a dream and is was all about Hope. So I made the Hope wall hanging from Sweetpea who are located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
Tonight at the Maundy Thursday footwashing service Greg (our Priest) said that the 4 sermons for Easter would all be about Hope! I was so amazed and once I had come home I sent him a text explaining about my dream and showed him what I had made. He was blown away and asked me to speak about it on Easter Sunday. I told him I'd be glad to get up and talk about it.
So here are the four letters and one of them all strung up. I made them in the 200x200 hoop and put a little silk ribbon between the letters and used a hot glue gun to hold the ribbon together. Have a blessed Easter everyone, love Chris


by cantab 06 Apr 2021

Beautiful just beautiful

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 08 Apr 2021

Thanks so much for commenting, love Chris

by peafarm 05 Apr 2021

Times of current events have just closed or put out of business many things. I will miss a lot of them. Church closings are the worst. Your dream was very significant for you and God planted that dream. So glad you were not afraid to stand and speak. This is a lovely tribute and one I would like to hang and proudly. Very pretty.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 08 Apr 2021

Thanks so much Patti, I am so thankful for everything God does for humankind. Love Chris

by pennyhal2 02 Apr 2021

I'm sorry that your church is closing. The church community is akin to family. I hope that everyone shows up at the same church and your connection to each other remains strong. Your HOPE message is phenomnal and be an inspiration to all!

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 03 Apr 2021

Thanks Penny, that's what we are hoping for that we will all go to the Belmont church. As I've said previously somewhere that was my Church for 17 years until I came to Belmont North/Redhead Parish. My church is literally 6 houses away from my place. I still have to drive there as I collect Mum from her place about a 5 minute drive away. Once I go back to Belmont I'll still have to collect Mum and it's only another 10 minute drive to All Saints at Belmont anyway. Love Chris

by asterixsew Moderator 02 Apr 2021

As ever great work Chris. Your additional comments on why your church and others are closing is sad. Wales has many redundant churches due to a lack of congregations. Often they are sold and used for many different uses. One of the most frequent is turning into homes.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 03 Apr 2021

Hi Caroline, I'm afraid it's a sign of the times. We have a lot of churches here also being bought and made into private homes. Love Chris

by toogie 02 Apr 2021

Beautiful, both project and story. Happy Easter my friend.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 03 Apr 2021

Hi Toogie, thanks so much and Happy Easter to you too. Love Chris

by shirley124 01 Apr 2021

Great story Chris. I am sure you will give a lovely talk in church on Sunday. Sorry your church has to close but it is good you have another to go to. Hugs.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 01 Apr 2021

Hi Shirley, I hope so and yes, it's good that my original church is only a 5 minute drive away. Love Chris

by sonjapotgieter 01 Apr 2021

What an Outstanding Piece of Work!!!Hope all goes well for you Which I Believe Will..So Beautiful...That is what we all Hang on Too HOPE!!!!

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 01 Apr 2021

How right you are Sonja, hope and faith are great words to keep one going. Love Chris

by clintonmiss22 01 Apr 2021

Your wall hanging is so pretty and colorful! I hope you are able to spark some hope in others on Easter. I hate to hear of your churches closings. We all need Jesus and to hear the Good News whether in small or large congregations. Happy Easter.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 01 Apr 2021

Thank you so much for the encouragement. We have some home groups going at the moment and that's how it would have all started back in Jesus' day. Love Chris

by mops Moderator 01 Apr 2021

A lovely wallhanging. HOPE, we all need it. There are many churches 'repurposed' as it is called, due to lack of parishioners, lack of funds, and most of all lack of volunteers.

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pennifold by pennifold 01 Apr 2021

Hi Martine, yes, you are right with all those statements. Especially volunteers, as we age we need the young ones coming through to keep it vibrant. I'm 68 and there are only a couple of younger ones than me there, most are in their 70's and 80's. Faithful servants, but it's too much to ask them to do the things we need to do to keep running the race. Love Chris

by sebsews 01 Apr 2021

I truly believe our dreams come with a message. Thank you for sharing your dream with us and your church. Your hope wall hanging is beautiful. Happy Easter, Suzanna

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 01 Apr 2021

Thanks so much Suzanna, yes, I do believe in dreams and I know better things are yet to come. Love Chris

by brendalea 01 Apr 2021

I know what you are going through as my Mother in Law is going through the same thing here in BC. She is pissed off so much as bars are open and churches are closed, WHY. Love your HOPE wall hanging.
Happy stitching :-)

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 01 Apr 2021

Hi Brenda, it's a sign of the times I'm afraid. I know how you MIL feels, it peeves me too to see God and prayers etc. being removed from our schools, community meetings, etc. Thanks for commenting about the wall hanging. Love Chris

by basketkase 01 Apr 2021

So sorry to hear about your church, Chris......Is this another side effect of Covid? Your flowers on the letters are gorgeous....great job...

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 01 Apr 2021

Hi Vicki, no it's to do with paying back money for the Sexual redress situation that has affected a lot of churches throughout New South Wales and sadly to say the rest of the country. Not only the Anglican Church, but the Catholic and other religious institutions. There was a lot of it going on in children's groups too, so it's not only linked to the churches, but other organisations too. Love Chris

by sewtired 01 Apr 2021

Lovely hanging, sad situation. Blessings to you all.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 01 Apr 2021

Thanks so much for commenting, love Chris

by stork 01 Apr 2021

Gorgeous piece and the story gives one chills. So sorry for the closing of the churches. The little church that my mom and dad were married in, and my one brother and I baptized in, was shut the other year by our synod. It broke my heart and I was glad my grandparents were no longer on earth to see this happen. I will lift you all up in prayer. God has an answer that we don't understand. Happy Easter!!!! Tonya

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pennifold by pennifold 01 Apr 2021

Hi Tonya, thanks for the story about your family's church. Yes, it is sad to think that these things have to happen, but God is everywhere and they are after all only buildings - we are the church and the people will go on. Thanks for your prayers and yes God has an answer. Love Chris

by graceandham 01 Apr 2021

What a lovely memory you have been given in a sad circumstance.

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pennifold by pennifold 01 Apr 2021

Thanks so much Betsey, I do hope it inspires our congregation. Love Chris

by crafter2243 Moderator 01 Apr 2021

Amazing. They turned out fantastic. I wonder why the churches are closing

sewtired by sewtired 01 Apr 2021

Usually it's because they don't have enough of a congregation to support them. Often, if they need just a little help, they will be provided assistance and called a mission church, but if the drain on the diocese is too great, they will be closed. Of course, I don't know and it could be something else entirely.

pennifold by pennifold 01 Apr 2021

Hi Angie, it's all to do with combining the 5 parishes within a radius of 5-6 miles to help pay for the sexually abused people between 1980 - 2015!!!
Here is an excerpt from the Anglican Diocese of Newcastle explaining what is happening.
"Newcastle's Anglican Diocese says it may have to sell church assets to make up a $1 million shortfall in the amount due to be paid to survivors of abuse this financial year.
Bishop Peter Stuart said despite the significant deficit, everyone entitled to compensation would receive it.
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses into Child Sexual Abuse has led to the diocese already making 27 payments totalling almost $5 million.
The royal commission's probe into alleged abuse and cover-ups within the Newcastle Anglican diocese was damning.
The average payment made to survivors of abuse so far has been about $183,000.
"The synod and the diocese as a whole is experiencing some financial stress, so there are a number of reasons why we have a deficit," he said."
I personally know 2 Priests who themselves were sexually abused and of course there are lots of innocent children who are now adults who have come forward. Love Chris

crafter2243 by crafter2243 02 Apr 2021

Thank you for the detailed explanation.

by dragonflyer 01 Apr 2021

Beautiful and inspiring...Happy Easter Chris.

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 01 Apr 2021

Thanks so much Kim, I'm glad you think so. Love Chris

by sewmadau 01 Apr 2021


1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 01 Apr 2021

Thanks so much, love Chris

by sdrise 01 Apr 2021

Beautiful Isn't it wonderful how God shows you things ? You did such a nice job. Sorry to hear the church is closing. So sad. Hope your speech inspires! HUGS

pennifold by pennifold 01 Apr 2021

Thanks Suzanne, yes, I am always amazed at how little things like a dream can mean to much. God still speaks with us through all kinds of avenues. I hope the congregation will be uplifted by my small gesture. Greg my Priest, is so inspiring, he's an ex con, ex bikie and ex drug user. He found God and he is one of the most inspirational men I know. He has a love of God that is just so tangible. Love Chris

jenne by jenne 02 Apr 2021

I think this story needs to be told over and over again, it also need to happen to many more than it does, if so our churches would not be closing. your work is beautiful.

by noah 01 Apr 2021

Amen God still speaks to us today . Even in this mess, we are all in Hugs always Chrisxxxxxxxxxxxxx

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 01 Apr 2021

Ain't that the truth Carolyn? It's so comforting to know He is still with us throughout all our comings and goings. Love Chris

by Mleodore 01 Apr 2021

Wow that’s gorgeous

1 comment
pennifold by pennifold 01 Apr 2021

Thanks so much, I appreciate you commenting. Love Chris