A very happy Easter to you too. Just love the ears
Thank You!!! Happy Easter to you the family and Coco.. Love her expression and those ears!!
Coco, you are beautiful! What kind of bunny are you, anyway???
I love your doggy ears!
What a great combination! We had a German Shepherd and then two labs, so great personality I'm sure. She is so sweet!
Hi sweet Coco.....you make a darling bunny....hope mommy hides litsof bones for you to find...
A very happy Easter to you, Cocoa. You are definitely one of our four footed Cuties. And a very happy Easter to your mama.
It is. Twice vaccinated I feel free to see my latest great grand child. That is a happy occasion
Impressive ears!! and both are standing tall.
Happy Easter.
Most of the time they do not look like that. They are stilling trying to figure out in which direction they want to be.
Hört dein Hund so schlecht das du ihr die Ohren lang ziehst? LOL, Sie schaut als ob du gerade am Kühlschrank warst und ihr nichts mitgebracht hast, auch so ein armes vernachlässigtes Tier wie meine beiden...Haha, wenn sie reden könnten. . . Dir und deinen Lieben, Frohe Ostern :-)
Sehr selten, dass Ihre Ohren gerade stehen. Du magst recht haben. Vielleicht war ich am Kühlschrank oder jemand hat an die Tür geklopft. Auch Dir wünsche ich ein frohes Ostern
haha, the way she looks, I think with these ears she even heard your words when you were thinking them ....Happy Easter to you and Coco too
Happy Easter Coco, please don’t eat any Easter eggs as they are not good for you